state-run['steitrʌn]adj. 國營的;州立的
state-run 國營的;國有的;國營;公辦;State-run hotel 客棧;state-run hospital 國營醫院;state-run university 國立大學;State-run shops 白手起家;
1.Abundant, inalienable oil, on the other hand, seems to do most state-run firms more harm than good. 另一方面,儲量豐富、不可剝奪的石油似乎給國營公司帶來更多危害而非利益。
2.Chinese business magazine says authorities in China have arrested a top official of the state-run China Development Bank on corruption charges, including taking bribes. 國內一家商業雜誌報道,中國當局逮捕了國營的中國開發銀行的高層主管,指控他犯有貪污罪,包括受賄。
3.A report by China's state-run Xinhua news agency quoted an official at China's State Council Information Office saying authorities were seeking more information on the statement. 中國官方媒體新華社的一篇報道引述國務院新聞辦公室一位官員的話說,有關部門正在就谷歌的聲明搜集更多信息。