corticosteroidsn. 皮質類固醇,類固醇;激素,皮質甾類
Corticosteroids 類固醇;皮質激素類;皮質激素;皮質類固醇;topical corticosteroids 類固醇;dependence corticosteroids 釋義:對皮質類固醇類依賴;inhaled corticosteroids 吸入皮質類固醇激素;皮質類固醇;吸入型皮質類固醇激素;吸入糖皮質激素;Adrenal corticosteroids 腎上腺皮質類固醇;
1.The mother was not keen for any investigations, and she was concerned with the usage of inhaled topical corticosteroids for rhinitis and hyperactive airway disease. 孩子的母親因鼻炎與高反應性氣道疾病使用局部吸入性激素治療,且不願孩子接受任何進一步的檢查。
2.Digitalis was the first steroid widely used in Western medicine. Corticosteroids and their synthetic analogs are used to treat rheumatism and other inflammatory ailments. 洋地黃是西方醫藥界最早廣泛使用的一種類固醇。皮質類固醇及其合成物可用來治療風濕病和其它炎症。
3.Triamcinolone belongs to a group of medicines known as corticosteroids. These act inside the cells to decrease the release of certain chemicals that are important in the immune system. 去炎松是一種皮質類固醇藥。這類藥作用在細胞內,降低某特定化合物向胞外的釋放,這種物質可作用於機體的免疫系統。