obligating['ɔbliɡeit, 'ɔbliɡit]vt. 使負義務;強使,強迫;對…施以恩惠adj. 有責任的,有義務的;必需的
obligating 強制;obligating event 負有責任事件;
1.Unlike the standards movement of the last decade, these goals would be focused on outputs, not inputs, obligating all of us to achieve certain results. 與過去十年提高教育水平的標準運動不同,這些目標將注重成效,而不是資本投入,使我們每個人都有義務取得一定的成果。
2.By using static and dynamic resource obligating technology and dynamic dispatch, the computation break with the fault of transient stability may be solved efficiently. 採取靜態、動態資源預留、動態調度技術,可很好的解決暫態穩定計算中故障情況下的計算量突增問題。
3.Debate in congress had turned towards meeting the demand obligation by declaring the notes legal tender - thus obligating all parties to accept them as payment-in-full for contracted debt. 國會辯論最終決定轉向迎合這種見票即付的職能,宣佈這些票據為當時的合法貨幣,並要求各方接受這種貨幣作為契約債務的全額付款方式。