subornation[,sʌbɔ:'neiʃən]n. 收買
subornation 收買;賄賂他人作偽證;使人作偽證;使人作偽證 賄賂他人作偽證;subornation of perjury 非法教唆他人作偽證;唆使他人作偽證;buy off buy over embrace suborn subornation 收買;subornation of perjury a crime consists of encouraging and persuading another to make a false oath 偽證教唆罪→偽誓教唆罪;
1.Advertisements on radio &TV should not contain any content of blazing gambling, violence or subornation. 廣播電視廣告不得播放含有宣揚賭博、暴力或者教唆犯罪內容的廣告。
2.If this causes the leaders of the Kuomintang to rage at the subornation of individual rights, they have nobody but themselves to blame. 如果個人權利受壓制一事激怒了國民黨領導人,那他們只能怪自己。
3.resorting to violence, threats or subornation to hinder a witness from giving testimony, or instigating, suborning, or coercing others to give false testimony; 以暴力、威脅、賄買方法阻止證人作證或者指使、賄買、脅迫他人作偽證的;