unhcrabbr. 聯合國難民事務高級專員(United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)
UNHCR United Nations High Commission for Refugees;聯合國難民事務高級專員辦事處;聯合國難民署;聯合國難民事務高級專員辦公室;UNHCR - 聯合國難民事務高級難民專員;UNHCR Section 難民專員辦事處科;UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador 親善大使;UNHCR-OAUAgreementofCooperation 難民專員辦事處-非統組織合作協定;
1.Some of her experiences were written and published in her popular book Notes from My Travels whose profits go to UNHCR. 她將一些經歷記錄下來,出版在流行圖書《旅行札記》中,該書的利潤全部捐給聯合國難民署。
2.Today, UNHCR provides protection and assistance not only to refugees, but also to other categories of displaced or needy persons. 今天,難民署保護和援助的群體不僅限於難民,還包括其他流離失所亟需援助的人群。
3.UNHCR and its partners have struggled to find campsites with sufficient water supply for tens of thousands of refugees in desert regions. 聯合國難民署和它的合作夥伴努力在沙漠地區尋找可以為成千上萬難民提供足夠水源的營地。