vbscriptn. Visual Basic 描述語言
Vbscript 腳本語言;函數;代碼;簡介;ASP VBScript 工具製作前台和後台;VBScript Global 屬性…;JScript VBScript 正則表達式語法;VBScript Raise 方法…;
1.Making this selection automatically takes care of the association, along with the //e:vbscript problem. 作出這一選擇自動照顧協會,連同/ /電子郵件:語言問題。
2.Other applications and browser of VBScript as a developer, you can on your products realize the source of the free use VBScript procedures. 其他應用程序和瀏覽器中的 VBScript 作為開發者,您可以在您的產品中免費使用 VBScript 源實現程序。
3.Late-bound scripting languages, such as JScript and VBScript, add a lot of overhead to each method call and property access in the DOM interface. 晚綁定(late-bound)腳本語言,如JScirpt和VBScirpt,在每次DOM接口的方法調用和屬性訪問時增加了許多開銷。