





v. consume ,corrode ,eat on ,feed


eat[i:t]vt. 吃,喝;腐蝕;煩擾vi. 進食;腐蝕,侵蝕


Eat 進食;收取信號;食品;自身免疫性甲狀腺炎;eat out 出外吃飯;出去吃飯;上館子吃飯;在外面吃飯;eat of 吃…中的一部分;吃一些;吃中的一部分;吃…中的一部分 英語學習網;Eat banana 食蕉;食蕉可樂生活;食蕉 *';吃蕉喇!;eat dirt 含垢忍辱;是「忍辱」,而不是「吃土」。;吃虧;忍辱含垢,忍氣吞聲;


1.The children have been eating away for more than an hour. 孩子們一直吃了一個多鐘頭。

2.No. I eat enough in the fall. 沒有。我秋天吃了足夠的食物。

3.We eat every part of the animal. 我們吃遍動物的每一個部位。


What I eat won't stay down. - 我吃東西時感到噁心。

Would you like to eat with chopsticks? - 你願意用筷子嗎?

I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse. - 我餓得能吃下一匹馬!

I can't eat another bite. - 我一口也吃不下去了!

Don't eat any strange food. - 別吃什麼不對勁的食物。

Don't eat too much candy, you'll spoil your appetite. - 別吃太多的糖果,否則你會吃不下飯的。

You really need to eat more; you're too skinny. - 你太瘦了,真得多吃點。

I always eat three square meals a day. - 我總是每天三頓飯都好好吃。

I eat there a lot. - 我在那 吃過好多次。

It's not good to eat before going to bed. - 在上床前吃太多不好。

What do you often eat for supper? - 你晚飯通常吃什麼?

All the employees in the office eat fast food for lunch. - 辦公室裡的職員中午都是吃快餐的。

While the Chinese rely on chopsticks, westerners prefer to use a knife and fork to eat with. - 用餐時,中國人喜歡用筷子,而西方人喜歡用刀叉。

I know somewhere you can eat Japanese food. - 我知道個地方,可以吃日本菜。

You'll never be in shape until you eat less and exercisemore. - 只有少吃多鍛煉才能健美。

Me too. I was hoping we could eat here tonight, but it looks like that's out of the question. - 我也這麼想。我原本希望我們能在這兒吃晚飯,但現在看來是不成了。

Carrion crows bewail the dead sheep and then eat them. - 烏鴉吃死羊,先要哭一場;貓哭老鼠假慈悲。

I eat dinner at about 7 o'clock. - 我在大約7點鐘吃晚飯。

Before I eat dinner,I read the newspaper for a while. - 在我吃晚飯以前,我花一會兒讀報紙。

If you're hungry, we can eat dinner now. - 如果你餓了,我們現在就去吃飯。

I've had enough. I can't eat any more. - 我已經飽了,再也吃不下了。

I will die before I'll eat that carrot. - 如果要我吃胡蘿蔔,我寧願去死。

To eat barbecued meat - 吃燒烤全牲

Where shall we go to eat lunch today? - 我們該在哪兒吃中飯呢?

Carol would like to eat Italian pizza. - 卡羅爾喜歡吃意大利餡餅。

If he doesn't, will you eat some? - 如果他不,你會吃一些嗎?

We can't eat so much. - 我們不能吃那麼多。

Dog does not eat dog. - 物不傷其類。

Fools make feasts and wise men eat them. - 愚者設筵,智者赴宴。

He that will eat the nut must first crack the shell. - 欲所得,必先勞。

He that would eat the kernel must crack the nut. - 要把果仁吃,就得碎果殼。

One cannot eat one's cake and have it. - 事難兩全其美。

One should eat to live, not live to eat. - 人為生而食,非為食而生。

Other men live to eat, while I eat to live. - 別人為食而生活,我為生活而食。

Scornful dogs will eat dirty puddings. - 神氣的狗也會吃贓布丁的。

Those who eat best and drink best often do worst. - 吃得好喝得好的人往往幹得最糟。

You can't eat your cake and have it. - 不能既要吃餅,又要把餅保存。

How often do you eat out? - 你隔多久在外面吃一次飯?

No wonder you can't sleep when you eat so much. - 你吃這麼多難怪睡不著。

And he mustn't eat rich food. - 威廉斯夫人,而且不能吃油膩的食物。

She will have something to drink but she will not eat any solid food. - 她將喝些飲料,但不吃固體食物。

As a result, the fish just eat and eat and grow and grow in the lovely warm water. - 結果是,這些魚就在可愛的溫暖的水流中吃呀吃,長呀長。

In the early morning, the food that had been laid out for the dead is thrown into a river or into the sea as it is considered unlucky for anyone living to eat it. - 一大早,人們便把為死者擺放的食品扔進河中或海裡,因為人們認為活著的人吃了這些東西是不吉利的。

The sad truth is that most of us have been brought up to eat certain foods and we stick to them all our lives. - 不無遺憾的是, 我們中的大部分人,生來就只吃某幾種食品,而且一輩子都這樣。

We owe a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects but all of them put together kill only a fraction of the number destroyed by spiders. - 我們要十分感謝那些吃昆蟲的鳥和獸,然而把它們所殺死的昆蟲全部加在一起也只相當於蜘蛛所消滅的一小部分。

But even in the most favourable circumstances only a small fraction of the creatures that die are preserved in this way before decay sets in or, even more likely, before scavengers eat them. - 即使是在最有利的環境中,死去的生物中也只有一小部分能在開始腐爛前,或更可能在被食腐動物吃掉之前,被這樣保存下來。

Oh, we can call it Mid-Autumn Day. We eat mooncakes on that day. - 噢,我們管它叫中秋節。過節那天我們吃月餅。

There they look at the moon, and eat the cakes.Mmmm! How delicious they are! - 他們賞月,吃月餅。唔!它們(月餅)多好吃呀!

What do people eat in England? - 在英格蘭,人們吃什麼?

Sometimes they eat it in the park or on the road. This take-away food is very popular. - 有時他們在公園裡或路上食用。這種方便食品頗受歡迎。


eat gruel before dawn - 食五更粥

putrid eat posioning - 食郁肉中毒


n.耳病損局部切除術 - local excision of lesion of eat

n.食郁肉中毒 - putrid eat posioning


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