rrbabbr. (美國)鐵路職工退休管理協會(Railroad Retirement Board)
RRB Railroad Retirement Board;Relative Rev Backup;Railway Recruitment Board;無線電規則委員會;RRB Routined Response Behaviour 常規回應行為;
1.The city regulatory office of the SERC shall assist the RRB in the supervision of the electric power market. 國家電力監管委員會城市監管辦公室協助區域電監局從事電力市場監管工作。
2.The result indicates that both the two products accord with RRB distribution, but the vertical style shows a narrower granularity distribution. 用激光粒度分析儀測定了球磨和立式磨生產的礦渣微粉的顆粒群分佈,結果表明,兩種產品均符合RRB分佈,立式磨礦渣微粉粒度分佈範圍較窄。
3.The regional regulatory bureau of the SERC (hereinafter referred to as the RRB) shall take charge of supervising the electric power market within its jurisdiction. 國家電力監管委員會區域監管局(以下簡稱區域電監局)負責轄區內電力市場監管工作。