Shirley Burnett 阿拉斯加 -;Shirley Temple Collection Dimples 秀蘭·鄧波兒電影全集 漣漪;Shirley Felts 's Catalog 雪莉 畫冊目錄;Shirley Franklin 富蘭克林;法蘭克林;莉·弗蘭克林;Shirley Harrison 哈里森;
1.Vendor Shirley Pinion displays her wares in Dade County, Ga. 喬治亞州戴德縣的賣主在展示她的貨物。
2.It was commonplace to see a deliriously happy snowman flirting with bikini-clad starlets and celebrities like Shirley Temple, Dinah Shore, and Esther Williams. 穿著比基尼的小明星,和秀蘭
3.Atlanta's mayor, Shirley Franklin, has suggested desalinating sea water from the Atlantic Ocean. 亞特蘭大市長雪莉*富蘭克林,建議淡化大西洋中的海水。
4.Today, Shirley Griffith and I present the second program in our six-part series about dreams. 今天,我和雪莉·格裡菲思為大家播講關於夢的六個系列節目中的第二部分。
5.Today, Shirley Griffith and I continue a series of reports about the planets of our solar system. 今天,雪莉·格裡菲斯和我將繼續講述太陽系各大行星的故事。