r. sideward
sidewards['saidwədz]adv. 橫向移動;橫向adj. 橫向移動的;向一側的
sidewards 橫著;向旁邊地;向側面地;側面的;swim sidewards 向兩側擺;sidewards transversely 橫著;thrust diagonally sidewards 向兩側斜線上下打腿;
1.It is said that when Arab cavaliers combatting, they used the tulwar sidewards, and cut the enemy's head. Of course it's just an example. 據說阿拉伯騎兵作戰時,把彎刀橫著使用,專削敵人脖頸,當然這只是個例。
2.The child is not certain however, when his sidewards one knife goes down when, discover the circle is hiding a five-pointed star actually inside round apple. 小孩卻不一定,當他橫著一刀下去的時候,發現圓圓的蘋果裡面竟然藏著一顆五角星。
3.Or, you can make a copy with cobble, it is batten shop again above cobble, certain distance keeps between every two batten, look resemble a ground of sidewards of a barrier, very interesting. 或者,你可以用石子做底,再把木條鋪在石子上面,每兩條木條之間留下一定距離,看上去像把一個柵欄橫著放在地上,很有趣。