





n. cutis ,hide ,peel ,tegumentv. bark ,pare ,scramble ,scrape


skin[skin]n. 皮膚;外皮vt. 剝皮vi. 癒合;長皮


skin 皮膚;皮膚編輯器;獸皮;小件皮;Detach Skin 斷開蒙皮;分離蒙皮;Bind Skin 綁定蒙皮;綁定皮膚;alligator skin 鱷魚皮;鱷皮狀表面;鱷魚皮表面,橘皮表面;鼷酤皮;ostrich skin 鴕鳥皮;駝鳥皮;鴕鴅皮;

skin的參考例句 skin somebody at a badminton match 在羽毛球比賽中大勝某人

2.Yellow skin and hair color for what? 黃色的皮膚適合哪種染髮色?

3.It also has rough skin to protect the white juicy flesh. 它還有粗糙的外皮保護裡面白色多汁的果肉。


Is this perfume safe for all skin types? - 這香水適合所有的皮膚嗎?

Now, we're doing something new making skin strong enough that it doesn't wrinkle, become dry, or develop blemishes. - 現在我們正在做一些改進,使皮質變得堅韌而不致有皺紋,變干或產生磨損。

As soon goes the young lamb's skin to the market as the old ewe's. - 老羊皮上了市,小羊皮也跟著來。

Beauty is but skin deep. - 美麗只是皮相(指:不能以貌取人)。

Do not sell the bear's skin before you have caught the bear. - 熊未到手休賣皮(勿過早樂觀)。

The fox changes his skin but not his habit. - 狐狸可以改變皮毛,但不能改變習性。

The lion's skin is never cheap. - 獅皮從不賤。

while others rub their hands over his skin to the accompaniment of a monotonous and soothing chant. - 其他人唱著單調的歌聲用手撫摸象的皮膚。


skin tradction with the elbow flexed - 上肢屈肝位皮牽引

skin traction of lower extremity - 下肢皮牽引

intermediate split thickness skin graft - 中厚皮片

intermediate split thickness skin grafting - 中厚皮片移值術

injury of skin and superficial muscles - 傷皮肉

dinitrochlorobenzene skin test; nncb skin test - 二硝基苯皮試

leishmanin skin test - 利什曼原蟲素皮膚試驗

weighted average of skin temperature - 加權平均皮溫

the twelve cutaneous area; twelve skin areas - 十二皮部

skin graft spatula - 壓皮片

skin homografting - 同種皮片移植

skin allograft rejection - 同種移植皮排異反應

skin suction box - 吸皮匣

n. vertical skin steel plate - 垂直表皮鋼板

n. skin pass - 外層通路

n. skin doubler - 外板貼合機

infection of skin during pregnancy - 妊娠瘡瘍

pyogenic infection of skin in infants - 嬰幼瘡瘍

cell survival curves for mouse skin cells - 小鼠皮膚細胞的存活曲線

cell survival curves for mouse skin tumor cells - 小鼠皮膚腫瘤細胞的存活曲線

braun graft; thick skin graft - 布朗氏移植片

pediculated skin grafting - 帶蒂皮瓣移植術

average skin temperature - 平均皮溫

elastic skin disease - 彈性皮膚病

finger skin traction - 手指皮牽引

cracked skin of hand and foot - 手足皸裂

syphilitic skin lesions - 揚梅瘡

eruption and macule and papule; exanthema maculosum; macular eruption; macule and papule; skin eruption - 斑疹

epidemic disease with skin eruptions; pestilence with rash - 時疫發斑

syphilitic skin disease - 時瘡

phytohemagglutinin skin test - 植物血凝素皮試驗

skin graft guard - 植皮保護器

dermatotome; skin graft knife - 植皮刀

skin graft blade - 植皮刀片

skin graft spatula - 植皮壓板

skin graft iustruments set - 植皮器械包

skin graft trephine - 植皮環鑽

skin graft forceps - 植皮鑷

pedicle skin grafting - 有蒂皮瓣植皮法

normal color of skin; the normal skin color - 正色

skin needling - 毛刺

skin soaking test - 浸皮試驗

heat toxin with skin eruption; maculae caused by violent heat-pathogen; maculae caused by virulent heat pathogen - 溫毒發斑

transplantation of free skin graft - 游離皮片移植

free skin grafting - 游離皮片移植術

source skin distance - 源與皮膚間距

skin grafting for burn - 燒傷植皮

scalded skin syndrome - 燙傷樣皮膚綜合征

focus skin distance - 焦點皮膚間距離

skin eruption concentrate to one place - 痧塊


n.胎赤 - abnormal red skin of infant

n.皮膚擦傷 - abrasion of skin

後天性皮膚障害 - acquired skin disturbance

變應原皮膚 - allergen skin

皮膚老化度 - aging degree of skin

n.皮膚血管平滑肌瘤 - angioleiomyoma of skin

n.皮膚附件 - appendages of skin

n.人工皮膚 - artificial skin

n.平均皮溫 - average skin temperature

n.皮膚非典型分支桿菌感染 - atypical mycobacteria infection of skin

n.皮膚撕脫傷 - avulsion injury of skin

n.動物腸衣 - beaters skin

n.腎上腺性青銅色皮病 - bronzed skin

n.皮膚癌性濕疹 - cancerous eczema of skin

n.顏面部皮膚癌 - carcinoma of facial skin

n.小鼠皮膚細胞的存活曲線 - cell survival curves for mouse skin cells

n.小鼠皮膚腫瘤細胞的存活曲線 - cell survival curves for mouse skin tumor cells

n.羚羊皮 - chamois skin

n.雞皮 - cock skin

n.雞皮樣 - cock skin goose flesh

n.慢性皮膚潰瘍 - chronic ulcer of skin

n.蟬蛻衣 - cicada skin

n.皮膚瘢痕攣縮 - cicatrical contracture of skin

n.皮膚冷濕 - cold wet skin

皮膚膠質樣變性,皮膚膠樣變性 - colloid degeneration of the skin

n.手足皸裂 - cracked skin of hand and foot

皮膚傷裂膏 - cream to prevent chapped skin

n.皮膚碾挫傷 - crush injury of skin

n.皮蒂管橋切斷術,皮管斷蒂 - cutting of bridge of pedicle skin tube

n.皮膚青紫 - cyanosis of skin

n.皮膚缺損 - defecdt of skin

n.遲髮型皮膚試驗 - delayed reaction type of skin tests

遲延性皮膚反應 - delayed type skin reaction

n.皮膚脫屑 - desquamation of skin

n.萎黃 - dimmish and yellowish tinge of the skin

n.二硝基苯皮試 - dinitrochlorobenzene skin test

n.遠部皮蒂移植術 - distant pedicle skin graft

n.皮膚雙鉤 - double skin hook

干皮病 - dry skin

n.皮膚乾燥 - dryness of the skin

n.黃胖 - edema with yellowish tinge of skin

n.腫瘍 - early stage of pyogenic infection of skin

彈性皮膚,彈力性皮膚 - elastic skin

n.彈性皮膚病 - elastic skin disease

n.皮膚電阻 - electric skin resistance

n.時疫發斑 - epidemic disease with skin eruptions

n.診尺膚 - examination of chi skin

n.鼻贅鼻皮切除術 - excision of skin of nose for rhinophyma

n.面頰部游離皮瓣移植 - facio-buccal free skin flap transplant

「農夫皮膚」 - farmer's skin

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