sliding-top car 敞篷車;Open-top Car 無蓬貨車;
1.Car-top racks must be strong and attach positively to the vehicle. 車頂架必需正確並牢固地穩定在車上。
2.It's just like with Kennedy when he arrived at Dallas airport and found that someone had arranged an open-top car for him. 這就跟肯尼迪到達拉斯機場然後發現有人為他準備的是一輛敞篷車的情景如出一轍。
3.The train runnings quickly, come from by the outstanding achievement with car top-ranking fillet completely at excellent leading group. 火車跑得快,全憑車頭帶一流的業績來自於過硬的領導班子。