





FATabbr. 文件分配表(file allocation table)


FAT 文件分配表;脂肪;肥胖;渾厚(音爭調整鈕); FAT File Allocation Table;crude fat 粗脂肪;天然脂;釋義:粗脂肪;粗油脂;fat cell 脂細胞;脂肪細胞;肥胖細胞;釋義:脂(肪)細胞;neutral fat 中性脂肪;中性脂;中性脂肪 中性脂肪;中性脂(肪);


1.It might be that thigh and hip fat protects against heart disease. 也可能是大腿和臀部脂肪保護人體對抗心臟病。

2.But in over weight overweight people, it can look yellow because of fat. 但是在超重的人中,因為脂肪它可能看起來是黃色的。

3.Sleep deprivation alters levels of the hormones that regulate food intake and body fat and increase hunger and appetite. 缺乏睡眠會改變體內控制食物攝取和體脂肪的激素水平,增加飢餓感,促進食慾。


That fat kid must be hooked on sweets. - 那個胖男孩兒是個糖罐子。

That guy is as fat as a pig. - 那傢伙胖得像頭豬。

A swine over fat is the cause of his own bane. - 豬死都因身過肥;象以齒焚。

I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Hugh was still as fat as ever. - 我按響了門鈴,當看到休仍和往常一樣胖時,我並不感到驚奇。

On the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat -- the normally accepted practice in many northern countries. - 另一方面,你一想到動物油炸土豆就會反胃,但這在北方許多國家卻是一種普通的烹任方法。


neutral fat globule - 中性脂肪球

fat necrosis of breast - 乳房脂肪壞死

low fat diet - 低脂飲食

depot fat; fat storage - 儲存脂肪

solid fat index - 固體脂指數

multivesicular adipose cell; multivesicular fat cell - 多泡性脂細胞

low fat diet - 少脂飲食

pericardial fat necrosis - 心包脂肪壞死

fat pad of pericardium - 心包脂肪墊

subcutaneous fat necrosis of newborn - 新生兒皮下脂肪壞死

fat free; fatfree - 無脂肪的

chicken fat clot; chickenfatclot; postmortem clot - 死亡血凝塊

chicken fat clot; chickenfatclot; postmortem clot - 死後血凝塊

high fat diet; ketogenic diet - 生酮飲食

subcutaneous fat necrosis - 皮下脂肪壞死

fat columns - 皮下脂肪柱

subcutaneous fat calipers - 皮下脂肪測定器

transplantation of dermis fat flap - 真皮脂肪瓣移植術

fat meat and strong wine - 肥肉奪酒

fat diabetes; lipogenous diabetes - 肥胖性糖尿病

fat pad - 脂墊

fat solvent; lipid solvent - 脂溶劑

fat soluble; fatsoluble - 脂溶性

fat soluble substance; liposoluble substance - 脂溶性物質

fat center - 脂肪中樞

fat metabolism; lipometabolism - 脂肪代謝

functional test of fat metabolism - 脂肪代謝功能試驗

fat metabolism test; lipometabolism test - 脂肪代謝試驗

fat allowance - 脂肪供給量

fat mobilizing substance - 脂肪動員物質

adiponecrosis; fat necrosis - 脂肪壞死

fat depot - 脂肪庫

fat clearance - 脂肪廓清作用

fat uptake cell - 脂肪攝取細胞

fat phanerosis - 脂肪顯現

fat staines - 脂肪染色

fat embolism - 脂肪栓

fat embolism syndrome; fat embolus syndrome - 脂肪栓塞綜合征

fat deposit - 脂肪沉著

fat drop; fat droplet - 脂肪滴

fat globules - 脂肪球

fat great - 脂肪移植物

fat vacuole - 脂肪空泡

adipocyte; adipose cell; fat cell; lipocyte - 脂肪細胞

pulmonary fat embolism - 脂肪肺栓塞

fat depot; lipopexia - 脂肪蓄積

coefficient of fat retention - 脂肪蓄積係數

fat mobilization - 脂肪調動

fat mobilizing hormone; fat-mobilizing hormone - 脂肪調動激素

fat meal - 脂肪餐


n.動物脂肪 - animal fat

動物脂肪率,動物性脂肪比 - animal fat ratio

背脂肪 - back fat

體脂 - body fat

褐色脂肪 - brown fat

頰脂肪墊 - buccal fat pad

n.乳脂 - butter fat

膜囊脂肪 - caul fat

n.雞脂樣血塊,死後血凝塊 - chicken fat clot

n.脂肪蓄積係數 - coefficient of fat retention

n.乳化脂肪,乳糜脂 - chyle fat

n.麥藍菜 - cow fat

天然脂肪 - crude fat

n.儲存脂肪,儲脂 - depot fat

真皮脂肪移植,皮膚脂肪移植 - dermal fat graft

飲食脂肪 - dietary fat

n.食用油脂 - edible fat and oil

n.糞便脂肪 - fecal fat

胚性脂肪細胞瘤,蜇狀脂瘤 - fetal fat cell lipoma

n.脂肪代謝功能試驗 - functional test of fat metabolism

n.高脂肪飲食 - high fat die

n.生酮飲食 - high fat diet

n.含水羊毛脂 - hydrous wool fat

髕下脂肪墊 - infrapatellar fat pad

靜脈內脂肪負荷 - intravenous fat load

板油 - kidney fat

n.月桂油 - laurel fat

n.低脂飲食,少脂飲食 - low fat diet

乳脂 - milk fat

n.多泡性脂細胞 - multivesicular fat cell

羊脂狀角膜沉澱物 - mutton fat keratic precipitates

n.中性脂肪 - neutral fat

n.中性脂肪球 - neutral fat globule

油脂 - oil and fat

n.心包脂肪壞死 - pericardial fat necrosis

腎周圍脂肪,腎脂肪囊 - perirenal fat

n.脂肪肺栓塞 - pulmonary fat embolism

n.酸敗脂肪 - rancid fat

n.食肉則復 - relapse due to eating fat

n.烏桕指 - sapium fat

n.血清三酸甘油酯測定,血清中性脂肪測定 - serum neutral fat determination

n.軟脂 - soft fat

n.固體脂指數 - solid fat index

n.非脂肪固體物 - solid not fat

體壁脂肪率 - somatic fat rate

體壁脂肪體積 - somatic fat volume

n.皮下脂肪 - subcutaneous fat

n.皮下脂肪測定器 - subcutaneous fat calipers

n.皮下脂肪壞死 - subcutaneous fat necrosis

n.新生兒皮下脂肪壞死 - subcutaneous fat necrosis of newborn

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