Fatah al-Islam militants 伊斯蘭法塔赫;Fatah 法塔赫;法塔組織;法塔;法塔克;Al Fatah 巴勒斯坦民族解放運動(法塔赫);Tarek Fatah 法塔赫;Fatah Party 法塔赫黨,是巴勒斯坦民族解放運動的簡稱;
1.The Palestinian Movement Fatah is holding a big conference in the West Bank town of Bethlehem, the first of its kind for 20 years. 巴勒斯坦民族解放運動法塔赫在西岸城市伯利恆召開大會,這是20年來該組織首次召開此類大會。
2.Hamas has let Fatah people who fled Gaza after the Hamas takeover return, and talked about stabilising Gaza in ways that do not threaten its hold. 哈馬斯讓接掌權力後逃離迦薩走廊的法塔赫人民返回故土,並且宣稱將以不威脅目前掌控的方式穩定迦薩走廊。
3.Hamas says he was tortured and killed in a Fatah prison in the West Bank. 哈馬斯說他是在西岸的一個法塔赫監獄裡被拷打致死。
4.Fatah thinks it could recover from its defeat at Hamas's hands in elections 18 months ago. 如法塔赫認為可以借此從18月前被哈馬斯擊敗的選舉中恢復過來。
5.Hamas's health minister has invited doctors affiliated to Fatah to return to their jobs without insisting that the PA must reciprocate in the West Bank. 哈馬斯衛生部長已邀請隸屬於法塔赫的醫生重返工作崗位,不再堅持巴勒斯坦最高當局必須在約旦河西岸報答。