Pagumogonimus 狸殖吸蟲屬;Pagumogonimus skrjabini 斯氏狸殖吸蟲;Pagumogonimus skriabini 斯氏狸殖吸蟲;
1.Objective To research and to locate the gene expression of the cysteine protease in Pagumogonimus skrjabini. 目的-從基因水平研究半胱氨酸蛋白酶基因在斯氏肺吸蟲童蟲的表達,並進行蟲體定位。
2.Xu pagumogonimus-Lin hesitate Kodak and Xiamen " " close relations, he said, after the wrecking of " " generals then, Xiamen has become a KODAK MAX Asia-Pacific region. 徐斯霖毫不諱言柯達與廈門的「密切」關係,他說,在經過「壯士斷臂」的重組之後,廈門已經成為柯達亞太區最大生產基地。
3.Although Amazon has left a 65%, closer to the sounds a lot, but erbezzo pagumogonimus replied, 35% of the valuation has been divided into far more than the resulting royalties. 雖然亞馬遜留下了65%,這一數字聽起來很多,但是貝佐斯回應道,35%的分成已經遠遠超出作價所得到的版稅。