paid-in['peid'in]adj. 已繳會費的
Paid-in 已繳的,已收到的;已繳;已繳會費的;paid-in share 實收股份;paid-in investment 到位資金;實投資本;到位資金=>實行資金;paid-in slip 存款單,存款憑證;paid-in surplu 繳入公積;
1.The newly-signed contractual foreign investment realized recovery growth and the actually paid-in capital maintained to grow. 新簽合同外資金額實現恢復性增長,實際利用外資繼續保持增長。
2.As we verified, to April 1, 2004 the Company has received registration capital RMB 500, 000 Yuan totally invested and paid-in by its all shareholders in cash. 經我們審驗,截至2004年4月1日止,貴公司〈籌〉己收到全體般東繳納的註冊資本合計人民幣伍拾萬元整(¥500,000元),各股東以貨幣出資。
3.An electronic paid-in warrant shall contain the aforesaid basic elements, and other relevant elements may be gradually added on the basis of management requirements. 電子繳款書必須含有以上基本要素信息,可結合管理需要,逐步增加其他相關要素信息。