CCOS 中國氣候觀測系統;中國氣候系統觀測計劃;核心運營系統;Computer Controlled Optical Surfacing;CCOS ChipCardOperationSystem 芯片卡操作系統;CCOS Utilities 漢字系統;CCOS ComputerControlledOperatingSystem 計算機控制的操作系統;CCOS CurrentCOmmunicationS 當前通信手段;
1.The 12th CCOS will be a pageant in ophthalmology with fruitful contents and colorful format. 整個會議內容豐富、形式多彩,將成會國內、外眼科學界的盛會。
2.CCOS is used as a computer aided design tool for new type of cone crusher; it also can be used for performance improvement for ordinary cone crusher. CCOS主要用於新型層壓圓錐破碎機開發的輔助設計,也可用於現有非層壓圓錐破碎機性能改進的結構參數確定。
3.In addition, CCOs must not concurrently hold positions or take on departmental responsibilities that conflict with their compliance management responsibilities. 此外,合規總監不得兼任與合規管理職責相衝突的職務,不得分管與合規管理職責相衝突的部門。