Colombianadj. 哥倫比亞的n. 哥倫比亞人
Colombian 哥倫比亞;哥倫比亞人;哥倫比亞的;哥倫比亞咖啡;Colombian gold 哥侖比亞棉;Colombian Boy 搖滾;Colombian Coffee 哥倫比亞咖啡;英文咖啡名哥倫比亞咖啡;哥倫比亞咖啡 :;Colombian emerald 哥倫比亞祖母綠;
1.Colombian television has broadcast video footage of 10 soldiers and policemen who have been held in the Jungle by left-wing rebels of the Farc for up to 11 years. 哥倫比亞電視台近日播放了一段錄像,影像顯示了在叢林中被哥倫比亞革命軍左翼叛軍挾持了長達11年的10名士兵和警察。
2.Colombian man accidentally shot his nephew to death while trying to cure his hiccups by pointing a revolver at him to scare him, police in the Caribbean port city of Barranquilla said. 加勒比海港市巴蘭吉拉的警察說,一名哥倫比亞男子拿著左輪手槍瞄準他的外甥,試圖藉由嚇唬他來治好他的打嗝,卻意外槍殺了外甥。
3.The glamorous Colombian singer and the quiet British leader are working together to persuade developed countries to help finance an effort to provide a basic education for every child in the world. 有魅力的哥倫比亞歌手和英國領導人為了勸說發達國家為了為世界上每一個孩子的基礎教育提供財政支持而一同工作。