n. atomic number 29 ,cop ,copper color ,cu
copper['kɔpə]n. 銅;銅幣;[俚]警察adj. 銅的vt. 鍍銅於
copper 合金;紅銅;銅;紅銅色;Copper Wedding 週年 銅 婚;銅婚(結婚七週年);週年 銅 婚;銅婚;copper tube 銅管;紫銅管;銅管 房屋地政;紅銅管;copper sheet 銅片;薄紫銅板;紫銅片;銅皮;electrolytic copper 電解銅;電解銅=>電氣銅;
1.Your emotion was the death of you, copper. 你的情感就是你的死穴,警察先生。
2.Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup. 給爸爸一杯用銅製的咖啡杯盛的味道適宜的咖啡。
3.We want to buy Metal Products and Powder, Copper Products, Non-Ferrous Metal, Copper, Antimony, Tin Zinc, Lead, Aluminum. 我們要採購金屬產品和粉末而且搽粉於,銅產品,非鐵的金屬,銅,銻,錫鋅,領引,鋁。
In the Spring and Autumn period, copper and iron chopsticks came into being. - 在春秋時代又出現了銅製和鐵製的筷子。
The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal framework which had been especially constructed by Eiffel. - 這座雕像的主體是用銅製成的,由艾菲爾特製的金屬框架支撐著。
Before she had anchored, the men from the boats had climbed on board and the decks were son covered with colourful rugs from Persia, silks from India, copper coffee pots, and beautiful handmade silverware. - 大船還未下錨。小船上的人就紛紛爬上客輪。一會兒工夫,甲板上就擺滿了色彩斑斕的波斯地毯。印度絲綢。銅咖啡壺以及手工製作的漂亮的銀器。
copper monoxide - 一氧化銅
copper acetoarsenite - 乙酰亞早酸銅
copper lactate - 乳酸銅
n. bright copper coating - 優質銅鑄型
n. copper elongation goods - 伸銅品
n. bright copper plating - 光亮銅鍍層
n. bright copper plating - 光澤銅鍍
n. copper matte converting - 冰銅轉換
n. copper clad steel wire - 包銅鋼線
n. copper claded aluminum wire - 包銅鋁線
n. aluminum coated copper wire - 包鋁銅線
n. chemical copper plating - 化學銅鍍
n. chemical copper plating - 化學銅鍍層
sodium copper chlorophllin - 葉綠素銅鈉鹽
copper enzyme - 含銅酶
n. international anneald copper standard - 國際韌銅標準
n. primary copper smelter - 基本銅熔體
n. primary copper ore - 基本銅礦
copper aceto-arsenite; imperial green; paris green - 巴黎綠
n. open pit copper mine - 敞銅礦
n. electroless copper plating bath - 無電鈷銅鍍池
n. Japan Elongated Copper Association - 日本伸銅協會
n. free cutting copper alloy - 易切削銅合金
n. resin concrete rolling propulsion copper pipe - 樹脂基體洪凝輥軋銅管
n. remaining copper rate - 殘餘銅比
copper hydroxide; cupric hydroxide - 氫氧化銅
copper oxide; cupric oxide - 氧化銅
copper chloride; cupric chlori de - 氯化銅
n. copper weld metal - 焊銅金屬
n. copper pyrophosphate plating - 焦磷酸銅鍍
n. spherical copper powder - 球形銅粉
n. electrolytic copper refinery - 電解銅提煉廠
n. electrolytic copper powder - 電解銅粉
copper sulfate; cupric sulfate - 硫酸脫氫表雄酮
copper sulphate; cupri sulfas - 硫酸銅
n. copper sulfate test - 硫酸銅測試
n. copper sulfate electrode - 硫酸銅電極
copper nitrate; ferric nitrate - 硝酸鐵
copper nitrate; cupric nitrate - 硝酸銅
tetrammine copper sulfate - 硫酸四氨絡銅
basic copper acetate - 鹼式醋酸銅
basic copper tartrate solution - 鹼性酒石酸銅溶液
n. alkaline copper plating bath - 鹼性鍍銅浴
n. alkaline copper plating bath - 鹼鍍銅槽
oxyphosphate of copper cement - 磷氧銅粘固粉
n. dilute copper alloy - 稀釋銅合金
n. pure copper plate - 純銅板
copper t - 節育器銅T
serum copper oxidase activity - 血清銅氧化酶活力
serum copper level - 血清銅水平
n.鹼式醋酸銅 - basic copper acetate
n.鹼性酒石酸銅溶液 - basic copper tartrate solution
n.銅代謝紊亂 - disorder fo copper metabolim
高銅的 - high copper
高銅汞齊,高銅汞合金 - high copper amalgam
n.磷氧銅粘固粉 - oxyphosphate of copper cement
n.血清銅 - serum copper
n.血清銅水平 - serum copper level
n.血清銅氧化酶活力 - serum copper oxidase activity
n.葉綠素銅鈉鹽 - sodium copper chlorophllin
n.硫酸四氨絡銅 - tetrammine copper sulfate