





v. do drugs ,dose


drug[drʌɡ]n. 藥;毒品;麻醉藥;滯銷貨vt. 使服麻醉藥;使服毒品;摻麻醉藥於vi. 吸毒


drug 的本義是「麻醉藥品」,而麻醉藥品是不能在市場上公開出售的,因此該詞常常用來指「滯銷貨」。;藥物;藥品;藥,藥物;drug resistance 耐藥性;抗藥性;藥物抗性;藥物抵抗;Drug Treatment 藥物治療;藥物療法;藥物治療:;戒毒;drug therapy 藥物療法;藥物治療;釋義:藥物療法;藥物治療, 藥物療法;drug addiction 藥物成癮性;毒癮;藥癮;藥物成癮;


1.The hospital staff drugged her. 醫務人員用藥把她麻醉了。

2.Migraine when what drug to take? 偏頭痛的時候吃什麼藥?

3.Can pregnancy skin allergy use drug? 孕期皮膚過敏能用藥嗎?


These days the police are just too soft on drug peddlers. - 現在警察對於毒販過於手軟。

electronic goods and drug manufacturing. - -- 電子產品和藥品的生產。

that the annual drug bill of the Health Services is mounting to astronomical figures - 衛生部門的年度藥費上升到了天文數字,


basic remedy; basis; monarch drug in a prescription; remedium cardinale - 主藥

zchinese drug store - 中藥鋪

drug contraindicated in debilitated patient - 體弱忌用

take drug following its infusion; taking drug following its infusion - 沖服

final drug evaluation - 決定性藥物評價

drug for incised wound - 刀創藥

drug for increasing white cells - 升白細胞藥

morphine type drug dependence - 嗎啡型藥癮

monarch drug in a prescription - 君藥

allergic drug reaction - 變應性藥物反應

fixed drug eruption - 固定性藥疹

fixed dermatitis medicamentosa; fixed drug eruption - 固定疹型藥物性皮炎

drug for exterior use - 外用藥

specific drug for gynecological diseases - 婦科良藥

drug contraindicated in pregnancy - 妊娠藥忌

drug contraindicated in pregnancy - 娠藥藥忌

quantitative drug design - 定量藥物設計

drug addiction of barbiturate - 巴比土酸鹽型藥癮

drug with little toxicity - 常毒

the best drug of the present age - 當代良藥

abstinence of drugs; stop drug addiction - 戒毒

smash the drug into paste - 把這藥搗爛

antihypertensive; antihypertensive drugs; drug for hypertension - 抗高血壓藥

drug for caridiac arrhythmia - 抗心律紊亂藥

chemical resistance; drug resistance; drugresistance - 抗藥性

drug gast; drug resistant; druggast; drugresistant - 抗藥的

new drug screening - 新藥篩試

new drug design - 新藥設計

drug decoction is usually taken while it is warm - 湯劑一般是溫服

drug for disease of liver - 治肝病藥物

drug for urinary system - 泌尿系統用藥

drug abuse - 濫作藥物

drug scorching; drugscorching - 燒存性

drug of hot nature; dug of hot nature; hot-natured drug - 熱藥

a drug to modify its property and action; bake; toast; torrefaction - 焙

dermatitis medicamentosa; drug eruption - 疹子型藥物皮炎

drug injection therapy - 穴位注射

drug injection therapy; point-injection therapy - 穴位注射療法

administraction of the drug on an empty stomach; be taken with an empty stomach; take before meals; to be taken on an empty stomach - 空腹服

bacterial drug resistance - 細菌耐藥性

bacterial drug dependene - 細菌賴藥性

occupational drug dependence - 職業性藥物依賴

drug resistance; drug toler-ance; drugresistance - 耐藥性

drug fast; drug resistant; drugfast; drugresistant - 耐藥的

adjuvant drug; ministerial drug or adjuvant drug - 臣藥

drug chemistry - 藥品化學

drug standard - 藥品標準

institute for drug control - 藥品檢驗所

drug specifications - 藥品規格

medical speciatity; nature of a drug; property of a drug or nature of a drug - 藥性


n.焙 - a drug to modify its property and action

n.良藥 - a good drug

n.單味藥 - a single drug

n.制止性藥物 - a suppressive drug

墮胎藥 - abortifacient drug

吸收藥物 - absorbed drug

酸性藥 - acidic drug

賦活藥 - activation drug

n.藥物的活性代謝物 - active metabolite of drug

腎上腺素能阻斷劑 - adrenergic blocking drug

腎上腺素能藥 - adrenergic drug

腎上腺受體阻斷藥 - adrenoceptor blocking drug

n.抗腎上腺素藥,腎上腺素能解藥 - adrenolytic drug

成癮藥 - addiction-forming drug

藥物成癮 - addiction to drug

成癮性藥物,成癮藥 - addictive drug

n.臣藥,佐藥 - adjuvant drug

n.空腹服 - administraction of the drug on an empty stomach

本劑投藥 - administration of the drug

摻假藥 - adulterated drug

藥物不良反應,藥物副作用 - adverse drug reaction

副作用,藥物副作用 - adverse drug reactions

醫藥品副作用被害救濟研究振光基金 - Adverse Drug Sufferings Relief and Res. Promotion Fund

n.變應性藥物反應 - allergic drug reaction

灑精中毒藥及精神障礙委員會 - Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration

n.鹼性藥物 - alkaline drug

氨基酪酸興奮劑 - aminobutyric acid agonist drug

n.良藥 - an excellent drug

依存性藥物 - anaclitic drug

鎮痛藥 - analgesic drug

類似藥,擬似藥 - analogous drug

n.麻醉劑 - anesthetic drug

動物藥,動物用藥品 - animal drug

食慾抑製藥 - anorectic drug

拮抗劑,拮抗藥 - antagonistic drug

n.去濕藥 - anti-dampnes drug

抗炎藥 - anti-inflammatory drug

n.抗復發藥 - anti-relapse drug

抗風濕性劑 - anti-rheumatic drug

n.抗病毒藥 - anti-virus drug

嫌酒藥 - antialcoholismic drug

n.治貧血藥 - antianemia drug

抗狹心藥 - antianginal drug

抗焦慮藥 - antianxiety drug

抗心律失常藥,抗心率失常藥 - antiarrhythmic drug

抗關節炎藥 - antiarthritic drug

抗哮喘藥 - antiasthmatic drug

抗菌藥 - antibacterial drug

抗癌藥 - anticancer drug

抗膽鹼能神經藥,抗膽鹼藥 - anticholinergic drug


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