





a. ugly


beautiful['bju:tiful]adj. 美麗的


Beautiful 美極了;美麗;美麗的;漂亮的;Beautiful Work 完美的工作;做得很完美;完美的任務;完美的務工;beautiful love 蔡健雅;幸福的天空;美麗的愛;美麗的愛情;beautiful landscape 風光秀麗;山川秀美;Beautiful Thing 美妙時間;美好事物;美好事物/愈愛愈美麗;愈愛愈美麗/美好事物;


1.I come from China, a beautiful city! 我來自中國,一個美麗的城市!

2.What a beautiful oil painting this is! 這是多麼美麗的一幅油畫啊!

3.We are seeking the most beautiful city. 我們,都在尋找最美麗的城市。


Here you are. Four beautiful fake Rolexes for 1200 yuan. - 來,4只漂亮的勞力士才花了1200元。

It's a beautiful day, isn't it? - 今天天氣真美,是吧?

This is a beautiful wedding. - 這婚禮辦的真漂亮。

It's a beautiful day. - 今天天氣真好。

and just enjoy this beautiful spring day. - 盡情享受這美好的春天。

So cuddly. The beautiful crib from Mom and Dad. - 抱起來真舒服。爸爸媽媽送的漂亮嬰兒床。

Oh, beautiful as ever, Lillian. - 噢 ,還像以前一樣漂亮, Lillian。

I'm very proud of you. You really did a beautiful job. - 我真以你為傲。你真的拍得很漂亮。

To be away from the city on such a beautiful day - 在這樣美好的一天遠離都市

What a beautiful day! - 今天的天氣真好!

Canada has the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. - 加拿大有世界上最壯觀的瀑布。

She was still beautiful at the age of forty. - 她活到四十歲仍然很美。

You have a very beautiful eyes. - 你的眼睛真漂亮。

What beautiful timing. - 時間正合適。

Miss Rose is kind of short, but she has a beautiful personality. - 露絲小姐有點矮,但她個性迷人。

It started out to be a beautiful day. - 剛開始天氣不錯。

The sight of such a beautiful girl took Tony's breath away. - 看到如此美麗的女孩,他目瞪口呆。

It was so beautiful it took my breath away. - 它美得使我目瞪口呆。

Your beautiful handwriting puts my untidy scrawl to shame. - 你那漂亮的書法使我潦草的字跡相形見絀。

What a beautiful garden you have! - 你的花園真漂亮。

Yesterday was such a beautiful day we decided to go for a drive. - 昨天是如此美好的一天,我們決定開車出去。

This country is famous for its beautiful lakes. - 這個國家以其美麗的湖泊而聞名於世。

What beautiful trees those are! - 那些是多麼美麗的樹呀!

That's a beautiful leather wallet,but it costs too much. - 那是一個美麗的皮革錢包,但是它太貴了。

It's a beautiful country with many large lakes. - 它是一個有許多大湖的美麗的國家。

The scenery is beautiful near the Pacific Ocean. - 太平洋海洋附近的風景是美麗的。

What a beautiful sweater! - 多漂亮的毛衣!

You're a very beautiful woman. You should try this one. I'm sure you'll be more beautiful than ever. - 你是位美人兒。且試一試這個,肯定會讓你變得更美麗的。

I got a beautiful new vanity set so that I can put on my make-up better. - 我買了一套新的化妝品,能夠更巧妙地化妝了。

I thought he could design the most beautiful department store, but... - 我想他能設計出最漂亮的百貨商場,不過……

To walk on a beautiful day - 在晴朗的日子出去散步

This composer is writing beautiful song. - 這位作曲家寫出了美妙的歌曲。

Eugene could create beautiful images with his paints. - 尤金能夠把美麗的形象用畫筆畫出來。

In his work, Albert comes in touch with many beautiful objects. - 在工作上,阿爾博特會接觸到許多美麗的事物。

John took a glance at the beautiful women. - 約翰瞄了一眼那個美麗的女人。

It's a beautiful country with forests, mountains and deserts. - 這個國家很美,它有很多森林、山和沙漠。

It's a beautiful country with many large lakes. - 這個國家很美,它有很多湖泊。

It's a beautiful country with many large rivers. - 這個國家很美,它有很多大河。

It's a beautiful country with scenic mountain areas. - 這個國家很美,它有很多景色宜人的山區。

It's a beautiful country with several chains of mountains. - 這個國家很美,它有很多山脈。

She's a beautiful girl, don't you think so? - 她是美麗的女孩,你不覺得嗎?

Mountains look beautiful from a distance. - 遠處看山山更美。

Nothing is really beautiful but truth. - 只有真理才是真美。

How peaceful and beautiful the country is! - 多麼平靜美麗的國家呀!

Paris is a beautiful city. - 巴黎是座美麗的城市。

What a beautiful ship! - 多漂亮的船啊!

Then we'll return home- and buy a big house in the- country.We'll have a beautiful garden and ... - 然後我們返回家園,在鄉下買幢大房子。我們將有一個漂亮的花園和。。。

I live in a very old town which is surrounded by beautiful woods. - 我住在一個由美麗的樹林環繞的古老的小鎮上。

Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town. - 喬。桑德斯擁有我們鎮上最漂亮的花園。

We are now living in a beautiful new house in the country. - 我們現在住在鄉間的一棟漂亮的新住宅裡。


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