foists[fɔist]vt. 偷偷插入;混入;蒙騙;硬賣給;採用欺騙手段出售;把…強加於
1.The author discovered that the translator had foisted several passages into his book. 作者發現翻譯者偷偷在他的原著中插入了幾段文章。
2.Putin. It also foists a stark choice on the Kremlin: to stifle dissent, or to placate protesters to provide some kind of pressure outlet. 它也給克里姆林宮提出了一個艱難的選擇:是打擊異見人士,還是安撫抗議者、給人們提供一些釋放壓力的出口。
3.Now in their early 20s, Tip and Teddy are well-behaved and affectionate, although little interested in the politics their father foists upon them (Teddy is obsessed with Catholicism, Tip with fish). 如今,孩子們都20出頭了,迪普和泰迪行為端正,彬彬有禮,且非常有愛心,可是對父親逼他們從政的事情卻沒有絲毫興趣(泰迪癡迷於天主教,而迪普則對釣魚情有獨鍾)。