





n. size of it ,sizing


size[saiz]n. 大小;尺寸adj. 一定尺寸的vt. 依大小排列vi. 可比擬


Size 尺寸;碼;號碼;浸潤劑;Image Size 影像分辨率;圖像大小;圖像尺寸;影像大小;Film size 圖片尺寸;軟片尺寸;膠捲尺寸;Visual size 視窗尺寸;Off Size 尺寸不符;尺寸不合;尺碼不全;不合規格;


1.Each frame should be the same size. 每一幀必須包含相同的尺寸。

2.Can tune the transparency, size and position. 可以調節透明度,大小和位置。

3.Humans degenerated from 10 feet to almost half this size over time. 而人類則從10英尺退化到幾乎原有尺寸的一半。


To honor an order of big size like yours, it's beyond our financial capability. - 執行像你們這樣一個龐大的訂貨,超過了我們的財務能力。

Try this. It's size eight. - 試試這一件。尺碼是八號。

But I wear size ten. - 但我穿十號的衣服。

How about green? It's size ten. - 綠的怎麼樣, 它是十號的。

It's about the size of the United States, but it has a population of only 16.5 million. - 它和美國一般大,但人口卻只有一千六百五十萬。

A diamond of this size is unique. - 這種尺寸的鑽石是獨一無二的。

What's the size of your shoes? - 你的鞋多大尺寸?

What size suitcase do you own? - 你擁有什麼尺寸的提包?

What size shoes do you wear? - 你穿的鞋子是什麼尺寸的?

We can offer a discount in progressive stages according to the size of the order. - 根據訂購數量的大小,我們可提供累進的折扣。

We are delighted with your products and are thinking of placing an order. The size of our order will depend greatly on your price. - 我們對你方的產品非常滿意,正欲訂購。我們定單的大小主要取決於你方的價格。

The various items of your order will be packed into bundles of suitable size for shipment. - 你們定單上的各種貨物被打成各種大小不同的捆兒,以便於運輸。

Didn't I tell you he's same size to me? - 我沒有說過他和我一樣大小嗎?

Jack grew timid when he saw the size of the shoes on the front step. - 傑克看到了放在玄關的鞋子的尺寸時,甚為吃驚。

Do you want the large size or the small size? - 您要大號的還是小號的?

The Hubble will tell us a great deal about the age and size of the universe. - 哈勃將告訴我們有關宇宙的年齡和大小的許多事情。

However, size and strength are not the only important things about this bridge. - 然而,這座橋重要特點不僅是它的規模與強度。

but I could not conceal the fact that I was impressed by the size of the diamonds. - 其鑽石之大給我留下了深刻的印象。

Squeezing through a cleft in the rocks, the pot-holers arrived at an enormous cavern, the size of a huge concert hall. - 洞穴探險者從岩石縫裡擠身過去,來到一個巨大的洞裡,其大小相當於一個音樂廳。

Whether a planet can support life depends on the size and brightness of its star, that is its 'sun'. - 一顆行星是否能夠維持生命取決於它的恆星——即它的「太陽」——的大小和亮度。

Every solid object will reflect a sound, varying according to the size and nature of the object. - 任何固體者反射聲音,反射的聲音因物體的大小和性質的不同而不同。

and so on up to the size of the globe. - 如此等等,一直到全球的範圍。

It has yet to reach its full size and strength, - 雖然在這個時期人的身材、體力

We can handle an order that size very easily. - 這種量我們做起來很容易。

That all depends on the size of the order. - 這要訂購量的多寡。

What size do you want? - 你要多大號的?

I'm afraid we haven't got any black shoes in that size at the moment. - 恐怕此刻我們沒有8號的黑色鞋了。

New Zealand is an impotant agricultural country with a small population. In size it is bigger than Guangdong Province, yet has a much smaller population. - 新西蘭是一個人口很少的重要的農業國。新西蘭的面積比廣東省大,但人口卻少得多。


medium size lymphocyte - 中淋巴細胞

n. size effect of cutting force - 切削力的尺寸效應

n. size of fillet weld - 填角焊尺寸

n. size classification - 尺寸分級法

n. size range - 尺寸範圍

pore size distribution - 孔徑分佈

n. grain size classification - 晶粒尺寸分類

n. grain size distribution - 晶粒度分佈

infarct size index - 梗塞範圍指數

n. ball size distribution - 球尺寸分配

ion size parameter - 離子大小參數

particle size distribution - 粒子大小分佈

particle size analysis - 粒度分析

particle size analyzer - 粒度分析器

n. grain size refinement - 粒度細化

n. grain size distribution - 粒徑分佈

n. grain size classification - 粒徑分類法

sample size loss - 試樣量損耗

n. long size covered electrode - 長尺寸覆蓋型電極


n.動物膠 - animal size

育種量 - breeding size

n.釋放數 - burst size

膠囊尺寸 - capsule size

一窩卵數,一胎仔數 - clutch size

有效育種量 - effective breeding size

群體有效大小 - effective size of population

家族大小 - family size

視野,野之尺度大小 - field size

鍍金粘料,硬油清漆 - gold size

粒徑,粒度 - grain size

粒尺寸 - granule size

n.心臟體積 - heart size

n.梗塞面積 - infarct size

n.梗塞範圍指數 - infarct size index

n.離子大小參數 - ion size parameter

身材遞增定律,體型增大法則 - law of increase in size

損傷尺寸(體積) - lesion size

一窩產仔數,一窩仔數 - litter size

n.最大允許試樣量 - maximum allowable sample size

n.中淋巴細胞 - medium size lymphocyte

n.篩號,篩目尺寸 - mesh size

代謝體大小,代謝體型 - metabolic body size

n.分子大小 - molecular size

n.顆粒大小,粒度 - particle size

n.粒度分析 - particle size analysis

n.粒度分析器 - particle size analyzer

n.粒子大小分佈 - particle size distribution

n.允許試樣量 - permissible sample size

代謝庫庫大小,基因庫庫大小 - pool size

群體大小,種群大小 - population size

n.孔道大小,孔徑 - pore size

n.孔徑分佈 - pore size distribution

n.相對腫瘤大小 - relative tumor size

n.進樣量,試樣量 - sample size

n.試樣量損耗 - sample size loss

n.斑點大小 - spot size

n.標準尺寸 - standard size

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