





n. coughing


cough[kɔ:f]n. 咳嗽,咳嗽聲;咳嗽病vt. 咳出vi. 咳嗽


cough 咳嗽;咳嗽 你乾咳了幾下。 你對著(目標)咳嗽了幾下。;流感;發燒;Cough Medicine 止咳藥;鎮咳藥;咳嗽藥;鎮咳嗽;cough drop 止咳糖;止咳藥片;咳嗽藥;止]咳糖,[止]咳片;cough mixture 鎮咳合劑;止咳藥水;止咳合劑;咳藥水;reflex cough 反射性咳;


1.The engine began to cough on the hill. 在山坡上引擎發出嘎嘎的爆發聲。

2.Do you need some cough medicine? 要吃一些治療咳嗽的藥嗎?

3.When cold or cough, what thing should have? 感冒或咳嗽時,不應該吃什麼東西?


Hey, go to the doctor. That cough sounds bad. - 嘿,去看看醫生吧,聽起來你咳嗽得挺厲害的。

I've had this cough for a week now. - 我這樣咳嗽已經一周了。

Love and cough cannot be hid. - 愛情和咳嗽是不能掩飾的。


dry cough inthe case of a prologed illness - 久病乾咳

cough due to summer heat - 傷暑咳嗽

cough due to dryness - 傷燥咳嗽

cough before dawn - 五更嗽

cough with dyspnea - 咳喘

cough reflex - 咳嗽反射

cough and dyspnea - 咳嗽氣喘

cough with little sputum - 咳嗽痰少

cough with profuse sputum - 咳嗽痰盛

cough syndrone - 咳嗽綜合征

cough plate - 咳皿

cough plate culture - 咳皿法培養

cough with dypnea; gasping cough - 咳逆上氣

cough accompanied by hoarseness - 啞嗽

cough with fecal incontinence - 大腸咳

intractable cough during pregnancy - 妊娠咳嗽

cough syrup - 寧嗽露

cough due to cold; diarrhea due to cold - 寒嗽

choking cough in children - 小兒咳逆

wheezing cough in children - 小兒痰鳴

cough accompanied by flatulence; xmall intestine cough - 小腸咳

cough after convulsive seizure - 驚膈嗽

cough due to unvolvement of the heart channel - 心咳

relieving cough and reducing sputum - 止咳化痰

relieving cough and asthma - 止咳平喘

medicine for he treatment of cough and asthma - 止咳平喘藥

cough syrup; pectoral syrup - 止咳糖漿

antitussive; cough remedy; coughremedy - 止咳藥

cough due to disorder of qi - 氣嗽

cough caused by damp pathogen; cough caused by wetness-evil - 濕嗽

cough due to damp phlegm - 濕痰咳嗽

cough due to heat - 熱嗽

cough caused by pathogenic fire - 火咳

cough due to fire-evil stagnation - 火郁咳嗽

cough caused by dryness or iirritating dry cough - 燥咳

cough caused by drynesheat; cough caused by dryness-heat - 燥熱咳嗽

cough due to retention of phlegm - 痰飲咳嗽

cough in newborns - 百嗽

pertussis syndrome; whooping cough syndrome - 百日咳綜合征

per;vac; pertussis vaccine; whooping cough vaccine - 百日咳菌苗

cough due todisorder ofthe liver channel - 肝經咳嗽

cough due to the lung-heat - 肺熱咳嗽

dyspnea and cough due to the lung-heat - 肺熱喘咳

dyspnea and cough due to the lung affection - 肺病喘咳

cough with the lung channel involved; pulmonary cough - 肺經咳嗽

dyspnea and cough due to the lung affection - 肺閉喘咳

cough with the stomacg invoved - 胃咳

cough with vomiting of bile - 膽咳

cough related to the spleen channel - 脾咳

cough withincontinence of urine - 膀胱咳


n.降氣平咳 - alleviating asthma and cough

n.動脈瘤性咳 - aneurysmal cough

n.咳嗽失音 - aphonia due to cough

n.腎咳 - arenal cough

n.斂肺 - arresting persistent cough

n.斂肺 - astringing the lung to arrest persistent cough

n.斂肺止咳 - astringing the lung to stop cough

n.巴姆氏咳 - balmes cough

n.吠樣咳,犬吠樣咳 - barking cough

犬吠樣干性咳嗽 - bell-like dry cough

雙調咳 - bitonal cough

n.小兒咳逆 - choking cough in children

n.百日咳 - chin cough

n.久咳,久咳嗽 - chronic cough

壓迫性咳 - compression cough

n.燥咳 - cough caused by dryness or iirritating dry cough

n.濕咳 - damp cough

n.乾咳,乾咳嗽 - dry cough

n.久病乾咳 - dry cough inthe case of a prologed illness

n.肺閉喘咳,肺病喘咳 - dyspnea and cough due to the lung affection

n.肺熱喘咳 - dyspnea and cough due to the lung-heat

n.耳性咳 - ear cough

n.時行嗽 - epidemic cough

n.咳逆上氣 - gasping cough

n.鵝鳴樣咳 - gander cough

n.頻咳 - hacking cough

青春期咳 - hebetic cough

n.妊娠咳嗽 - intractable cough during pregnancy

n.燥咳 - irritating dry cough

喉頭性咳嗽 - laryngeal cough

n.止咳平喘藥 - medicine for he treatment of cough and asthma

n.輕咳 - mild cough

n.濕性咳嗽 - moist cough

n.夜嗽 - nocturnal cough

n.潤肺上咳 - nourishing the lung to arrest cough

n.頓嗽,發作性咳 - paroxysmal cough

n.痙咳,陣發性痙攣性咳嗽 - paroxysmal spasmodic cough

咽咳嗽 - pharyngeal cough

n.勞嗽 - phthisical cough

n.鎮咳 - preventing cough

n.排痰性咳,痰咳 - productive cough

n.食積咳嗽,食咳 - productive cough due to indigestion

n.久咳 - protracted cough

心因性咳 - psychogenic cough

n.肺經咳嗽 - pulmonary cough

n.反射性咳 - reflex cough

n.鎮咳 - relieving cough

n.止咳平喘 - relieving cough and asthma

n.止咳化痰 - relieving cough and reducing sputum

n.清肺止咳 - removing heat from the lung to relieve cough

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