Milton Keynes Dons FC 米爾頓凱恩斯;Keynes 凱恩斯;凱因斯;凱因斯;凱恩斯;Keynes effect 凱恩斯效應;凱因斯效果;keynes plan 凱恩斯關於國際清算的計劃;Cuthbert keynes 凱恩斯;
1.At the end of the war, Keynes joined the British peace delegation at Versailles in France. 戰爭結束時,凱恩斯作為英國和平代表團的成員前往法國凡爾賽。
2.IN THE final chapter of his "General Theory", Keynes foresaw "a somewhat comprehensive socialisation of investment". 在《就業、利息和貨幣通論》最後一章,凱恩斯預言了「投資由社會綜攬」。
3.At the end of the war, Keynes joined the British peace delegation at Versailles in France. 戰爭結束時,凱恩斯作為英國和平代表團的成員前往法國凡爾賽。
4.Instead, it's time to announce Keynesianism's failure, time to announce the emperor Lord Keynes has no clothes. 「想法,現在是時候宣告凱恩斯理論的失敗,是時候宣告凱恩斯皇帝沒有新裝」。
5.NARRATOR: But in Washington, Keynes was still king of the hill. Nineteen years after he died, his face was on the cover of Time magazine. 旁白:但是凱恩斯的思想仍然在華盛頓居於統治地位。在他去世後十九年,他的臉仍然成為了《時代》雜誌的封面。