Major['meidʒə]adj. 主要的;重要的;主修的;較多的n. 成年人;主修科目;陸軍少校vi. 主修
major 主修;較大範圍的,主要的;主修科目;少校;Major General 少將;少將--------;少校;少將——;major sector 優扇形;大扇形;主要部門;Major failure 嚴重故障;主要故障;嚴重失效;嚴重失效,主要故障;major cycle 大循環;汁環;主循環;主週期;
1.Fish eggs and meat are all major sources of protein. 魚類雞蛋和肉類都是重要的蛋白質來源。
2.Programme of major component repair or replacement during the project life. 在項目生命期內,主要部件修復或置換的計劃;
3.The introduction should start with what you do in this paper, the major contribution. 引言的開始,要討論你在這篇論文做了什麼,你的主要貢獻。
What subject did you major in university? - 你在大學主修的科目是什麼?
What are your major and minor subjects? - 你主修和副修什麼科目?
I have worked hard at my major subject. - 我對主修課特別用功。
The organization serves major companies in this city. - 這個組織為本市各大公司服務。
Just because you major in English, don't think that you will have mastered real English. - 不要以為你是英語專業的就能精通「真正」的英語。
I have been offered a job with a major accounting company - 有一家大會計公司提供我一個工作
that does his major accounting work - 承辦他主要會計工作的那家公司
He has a major toy buyer in Los Angeles, - 他在Los Angeles有一個玩具大買主,
So, are there any major cultural differences between our two nations? - 我們兩國間有什麼大的文化差異嗎?
I major in English and minor in French. - 我主修英語,副修法語。
I intend to major in economics in college. - 我想在大學裡主修經濟學。
Is it true that manufacturing of automobiles is a major industry? - 汽車生產是主要工業是真的嗎?
We use service centers at major stores. They ship goods back to our national service center for repairs. - 我們採用大店服務中心,他們可把產品運送到我們的國內服務中心維修。
For them this is a major operation which involves considerable planning. - 看戲在他們是件大事,需要精心計劃。
Newspapers exert such tremendous influence that they can not only bring about major changes to the lives of ordinary people but can even overthrow a government. - 新聞具有巨大的威力。它們不僅可以給尋常人家的生活帶來重大的變化,甚至還能推翻一個政府。
This is a major achievement because, in relative terms, planets are very small and old not emit light. - 這是一個重要的成就,因為相對來說,行星很小,而且也不發光。
It is only in the study of man himself that the major social sciences have substituted the study of one local variation, that of Western civilization. - 只是在對人類自身的研究中,各主要的社會學科才用對一個局部地區各種情況的研究(如對西方文明的研究)來代替對全人類的研究。
Twenty or thirty pages of information handed to any of the major world powers around the year 1925 would have been sufficient to change the course of world history. - 如果把二三十頁的情報交給1952年前後的任何一個世界強國,就足以改變世界歷史的進程。
For instance, if you are older you have less time to recover from any major losses, - 比如說,如果你年紀較大,你從重大投資損失中恢復過來的時間就較少,
major dense line - 主緻密線
major criteria - 主要臨床症狀
major gene - 主要基因
essential component; main component; major constituent - 主要成分
major antigen - 主要抗原
major basic protein - 主要的鹼性蛋白質
major histocompatibility complex - 主要組織相容性復合體
major histocompatibility complex restriction - 主要組織相容性複合物基因
major histocompatibility antigen - 主要組織相容性抗原
major histocompatibility system - 主要組織相容性系統
major histocompatibility gene complex - 主要組織適合性基因群
major serological antigen - 主要血清學抗原
chief agglutinogen; major agglutinogen - 主凝集原
greater splanchnic nerve; major nervus splanchnicus - 內臟大神經
major duodenal papllia; papilla duodeni major - 十二指腸大乳頭
major overhaul - 大修
musculus teres major; teres major muscle - 大圓肌
bursa subtendinee muscle teretis majoris; subtendinous bursa of teres major muscle - 大圓腱下囊
major operating instrument set - 大型外科器械包
major operating table - 大型手術台
major surgery - 大外科
major operation - 大手術
major groove - 大溝
major gentian decoction - 大秦艽湯
major chorea - 大舞蹈病
major green dragon decoction - 大青龍湯
major tranquilizer - 強安定藥
major hypnotism - 深催眠狀態
phlebotomus major wui - 碩大白蛉吳氏亞種
ductus sublingualis major; major sublingual duct - 舌下腺大管
ala major ossis sphenoidalis; great wing of sphenoid bone - 蝶骨大翼
major acteriophage - 較大噬菌體
major psychosis - 重性精神病
n. major gas line - 重點氣線
n.大翼 - ala major
n.蝶骨大翼 - ala major ossis sphenoidalis
n.虹膜大環 - anulus iridis major
n.步行協同不能 - asynergy major
n.鼻翼大軟骨,大翼軟骨 - cartilago alaris major
大舞蹈病,癔病性舞蹈病 - chorea major
虹膜動脈大環 - circulus arteriosus iridis major
n.虹膜動脈大環 - circulus iridis major
胃大彎 - curvatura ventriculi major
n.巴多林氏管,舌下腺大管 - ductus sublingualis major
n.大囟 - fonticulus major
n.大鉗 - forceps major
n.前庭大腺 - glandula vestibularis major
n.巴多林氏腺 - glandulae vestibularis major
n.大發作性癔病 - hysteria major
n.大型熱帶利什曼原蟲 - leishmania tropica major
n.肌 - musculus pectoralis major
n.腰大肌 - musculus psoas major
n.大菱形肌 - musculus rhomboideus major
n.大圓肌 - musculus teres major
n.顴大肌,顴肌 - musculus zygomaticus major
n.枕大神經 - nervus occipitalis major
巖大神經 - nervus petrosus major
n.巖淺大神經 - nervuspetrosus superficialis major
n.十二指腸大乳頭 - papilla duodeni major
大胸肌 - pectoralis major muscle
n.大骨盆,假骨盆 - pelvis major
n.暴發性鼠疫 - pests major
n.碩大白蛉吳氏亞種 - phlebotomus major wui
大腰肌 - psoas major muscle
肺葉大間裂 - pulmonary major fissure
n.鼓大棘 - spina tympanica major
n.大圓腱下囊 - subtendinous bursa of teres major muscle
n.大圓肌 - teres major muscle
重型地中海貧血,重型地貧 - thalassemia major
n.大轉子 - trochanter major
重型天花 - variola major
顴大肌 - zygomaticus major muscle