





r. even ,eventually ,heretofore ,so far


yet[jet]adv. 還;但是;已經conj. 但是;然而


YET 杭州億天光電技術有限公司;迄今;多用於否定,疑問句中, 放在動詞後;然而;as yet 到目前為止;到目前(那時)為止;到現在為止;到目前為止,到那時為止;at yet 至今;just yet 恰好現在;恰好現在 英語學習網;就在此刻;Not yet 還沒;尚未(到目前為止某事沒有發生);還沒呢;裊裊夕陽情;


1.Back to hostel yet? To eat yet? 回到宿舍了沒有?吃飯了沒有?

2.The feminism age has yet to come. 女權主義的時代還沒有到來。

3.Yet, all this work was for nothing. 然而,這些工作都是勞而無功。


The sales record of My Heart Will Go On by Celin Dion has yet to be broken. - 席林.迪翁的《我心永恆》創下了銷售紀錄暫時還無人可以打破。

Do I have to remind you yet again? - 還需要我再次提醒你嗎?

He can't dress himself yet because he's too young. - 他還不能給他自己穿衣服因為他是太年輕的。

A man may talk like a wise man and yet act like a fool. - 一個人可能說話像個聰明人,而行為像個大笨蛋。

Destroy the lion while he is yet but a whelp. - 殺獅應在幼小時。

Love your neighbour, yet pull not down your hedge. - 愛你的左鄰右舍,但不要拆去你們之間的藩籬。

No man ever yet became great by imitation. - 笑顰不能成西施。

No man is so old, but thinks he may yet live another year. - 人越活越想活。

The best is yet to be. - 好戲在後頭。

The cat and dog may kiss, yet are none the better. - 貓犬可相吻,莫逆卻難成。

The tongue is not steel yet it cuts. - 舌頭不是鋼,傷人似刀劍。

Though the wound be healed yet a scar remains. - 創傷可癒合,傷疤猶留存。

Though thy enemy seem a mouse, yet watch him like a lion. - 即使敵人小如鼠,也要防他如防虎。

'Tis altogether vain to learn wisdom and yet live foolishly. - 枉自學聰明,卻做愚蠢事。

You have no goats, and yet you sell kids. - 你雖無老山羊,卻出賣小山羊。

You have no goats,and yet you sell kids. - 沒有老山羊,還把小羊賣。

The worst is yet to come. - 最糟的還不只這樣。

The doctors have not yet decided how the woman died. - 醫生們至今還未確定這位婦女的死因。

He sent yet another fax informing the journalist that if he did not reply soon he would be fired. - 於是他又發了一份傳真,通知那位記者說,若再不迅速答覆,將被解雇。

All these cats had one experience in common: they had fallen off high buildings, yet only eight of them died from shock or injuries. - 它們都曾從高層建築上摔下來過,但只有其中的8隻貓死於震盪或跌傷。

There are plenty of high-rise windowsills to fall from! One cat, Sabrina, fell 32 storeys, yet only suffered from a broken tooth. - 有一隻叫薩伯瑞的貓從32層樓上掉下來,但只摔斷一顆牙。

This led to yet another angry argument. - 這又引起一場唇槍舌劍的爭吵。

Most of my friends live in the city, yet they always go into raptures at the mere mention of the country. - 我的許多朋友都住在城市,但他們只要一提起鄉村,馬上就會變得欣喜若狂。

And, though the gleams blind and dazzle, yet do they convey a hint of beauty and serenity greater than we have known or imagined. - 雖然這光芒令人眼花繚亂,但它確實給予我們一種不曾經歷和無法想像的美感和靜謐的啟示。

if, in a word, beauty means something, yet we must not seek to interpret the meaning. - 一句話,如果美有某種意義的話,我閃,千萬不要去闡明它的意義。

with the caption 'She was yet another victim, reduced to a screaming wreck '. - 她是又一個受害者,成了只會尖叫的可憐蟲。"

and yet one might be cautious about believing this statement. - 不過,人們不會輕信她的抱怨。

It has yet to reach its full size and strength, - 雖然在這個時期人的身材、體力

and yet get hardly any benefit or relief. - 而沒有從中得到什麼實益或寬慰。

To such motives, yet another must be added. - 除了以上動機外,還應再加上一個。

but as yet there is no overwhelmingly specialized patronage. - 確實如此,但並沒有特別的優待。

Because the equipment for adding sound to films had not yet been developed. - 因為給電影配音的設備還沒有研製出來。

I simply don't know. He may have plans, but he hasn't yet spoken to me about them. - 我一點兒都不知道。他也許有計劃,但他還沒跟我談他的想法呢。

It was not yet light, so it was easy to stay hidden. - 天還沒亮,所以很容易隱蔽。

New Zealand is an impotant agricultural country with a small population. In size it is bigger than Guangdong Province, yet has a much smaller population. - 新西蘭是一個人口很少的重要的農業國。新西蘭的面積比廣東省大,但人口卻少得多。


not yet diagnosed - 未確診的


n.未確診的 - not yet diagnosed

n.病人還不能自己進食 - The patient can not feed himself yet


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