





n. application program ,coating ,lotion ,practical application


Application[,æpli'keiʃən]n. 應用;申請;應用程序;敷用


Application 用途;應用;把...應用於...;應用程序;Application Form 申請表格;申請表;申請書;報名表;Minimize Application 最小化應用;最小化利用;最小化應用 ?;Application server 應用服務器;應用程序服務器;應用伺服器;數據庫服務器;application framework 應用程序框架;應用框架;應用程式框架、應用框架 應用程序框架;應用程式框架;


1.The judge hears the application in chamber. 法官在辦公室聽到此項申請。

2.Moreover, I have rich experience in the application of information retrieval. 我也有著現實世界信息檢索應用的豐富經驗。

3.This workflow now contains the business logic for an application for processing credit cards. 這個工作流現在包含一個處理信用卡的應用的業務邏輯。


I've read your application materials with interest. - 我很有興趣地看了你的申請材料。

I'll take the application and letter tomorrow when I come in. - 明天我來的時候,會把申請表和推薦信帶來。

I'm sorry to inform you that your application for ball has been refused. - 很遺憾通知你, 你的保釋申請書已經被駁回了。

Jack, Would you please read this letter of application I've just written? - 傑克,你能讀一下這封我剛寫的求職信嗎?

We have no vacancies now, but we'll certainly bear your application in mind. - 我們目前沒有空缺,但是我們一定記住你申請的事。

Please fill in this application form. - 請填這張申請表。

Patience and application will carry us through. - 忍耐和努力會使我們度過難關。


application of obstetric forceps; forceps delivery - 產鉗術

application of artificial valvular prosthesis - 人工瓣膜植入術

application of sample; applicationofsample - 加樣

application software - 應用軟件

retain yin with urgent application of purgatives; timely purgation to preserve yin - 急下存陰

application of stalve to a wound - 敷用藥膏於傷處

topical application of drug - 敷藥

topical application of drug - 敷藥法

applcation method; application method - 敷貼法

application of kielland forrceps - 枕橫位產鉗術

n. application by roller - 滾柱應用

n. application by roller - 滾塗

application of sample; applicationofsample; sample application; spotting; n. spotting - 點樣

application of vacuum extractor - 真空吸引器術

application of willett forceps - 胎兒頭皮牽引術

application of axis traction forceps - 軸牽引式產鉗術


n.臨床應用 - clinical application

計算機應用 - computer application

n.外用避孕片 - contraceptive tablet for external application

外用 - external application

n.外用 - externla application

n.內用法 - internal application

鼻內敷用 - intranasal application

n.局部應用 - local application

醫療申請 - medical application

n.外敷藥 - medicine for external application

新藥申請 - new drug application

n.口服 - oral application

n.穴位敷貼 - point application

n.直腸內應用,直腸用藥 - rectal application

n.急下存陰 - retain yin with urgent application of purgatives

n.點樣 - sample application

局部滴施,表面敷用 - topical application

n.敷藥,敷藥法 - topical application of drug

氟化物局部適用,氟化物表面適用 - topical application of fluoride

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