applicat 應用型科研機構;應用領域;VC portfolio Box Applicat VC++組合框應用的小例子,彩色下拉框,選中可更換窗口背景顏色。-;Applicat Member Entrance 應用領域;third example filtering applicat 第三個例子濾波應用程序,可以瞭解粒子濾波的工作原理-;
1.Tbe distribution of these substances from different plants and their properties, applicat ions, and preparations are compared. 比較了不同的生產裝置得到酚焦油的各種組分的分佈情況以及這些有用物質在不同領域中的應用。
2.The program includes three main fields of semiotics - cultural, social and biological semiotics, providing insight into the methodology and contemporary applicat… 該計劃包括三個主要領域的符號學-文化,社會和生物符號學,都可以提供有關的方法和現代的符號學分析應用的瞭解。
3.The paper also introduces characteristics of technology of Elkem ASA Corporate Headquarters and its primary parameters in order to offer reference for its applicat… 本文還詳細介紹了該技術的特點和主要技術參數,為該項技術的推廣應用提供參考。