rubbersn. 綿羊選,橡膠
rubbers 綿羊選;橡膠;全車膠;橡膠套鞋;unsaturated rubbers 虧氫橡膠;five rubbers 五塊橡皮;pedal rubbers 腳踏膠皮;Baden rubbers 巴登擦身浴巾;巴登擦身浴巾
1.We are rubbers' producer based in Romania and we use Alibaba. com to source chemicals and raw material. 我們在羅馬尼亞主營橡膠產品,平時用阿里巴巴採購化工產品和原材料。
2.Silicone rubbers are used for both high-and low - temperature appilcations, since their properties change little with temperature . 聚硅烷橡膠因性能隨溫度變化小,故在高溫和低溫的場合都能用。
3.For the purpose of comprehensive use waste rubbers can be regenerated, rubber powder or grains can be manufactured from waste rubbers and tyres can be retreaded. 闡述了綜合利用的方法,即可以採用生產再生膠、製造膠粉或膠粒、翻新輪胎、作增強材料和填充料以及用作燃料;