tasting wine-glass 品嚐用酒杯;Leave the wine-glass out 酒杯將永遠被關在門外;Red-wine glass 紅酒杯;Shao-Shing Wine Glass 酒杯;hand-cut glass hand-cut wine glass 刻花酒杯;
1.It is the first wine bottle-glass combination to be introduced anywhere in the world. 這是第一個酒瓶玻璃結合,擬引進世界上任何地方的。
2.And nurse put before the visitor a bottle of vodka and a wine-glass, while her face wore a very wily expression. 保姆就把一小瓶白酒和一個酒杯推到客人面前,同時臉上現出極其狡猾的神情。
3.She nodded her head and touched her lips courteously to the wine- glass and to the giver of the gift she knew would never be given. 她點點頭,恭恭敬敬用嘴唇碰了碰杯子,向送她禮物的人示意——雖然她知道那禮物她是永遠也得不到的。