evenhanded['i:vən'hændid]adj. 公平的;公平無私的
evenhanded 公平的,不偏不倚的;公平無私的;公平的,不偏不倚的;公平;evenhanded policy 不偏不倚的政策;evenhanded criticism 公正的評論;evenhanded fair 公允;disinterested equitable evenhanded fair impartial square 公平的;
1.What has been existed in theoretical study , legislation and practice is how to found an evenhanded and rational rum[ land right and exchange system. 無論是理論研究、立法還是實踐,都存在一個共同的問題,即如何建立一個公正、合理的農村土地權利與流轉體系?
2.Whether the evenhanded value or the value of account book is adopted is a dilemma in the new accountancy standards of our country in the establishment. 資產計價是採用公允價值還是賬面價值,這是我國新會計準則在制定中所面臨的兩難選擇。
3.However, our conclusions would be much more evenhanded if we flick away the floating dust of politics, and look at Liu Yong and his Ci poetry more mildly from a literary point of view. 但如果拂去政治的浮塵,較為平和地側重以文學的眼光去看待柳永、權衡柳詞,得出的結論就會比較地趨於公允。