





n. eve ,even ,eventide


evening['i:vniŋ]n. 晚上;傍晚;(聯歡性的)晚會;後期adj. 在晚上的;為晚上的;晚上用的int. 晚上好(等於good evening)


evening 晚上;傍晚;黃昏;晚上,傍晚;evening dress 夜禮服;晚禮服;晚禮服 更多晚禮服資訊〉〉;晚裝;evening edition 晚報;Evening Primrose 月見草;夜來香;月見草油;月目草;Good evening 晚上好!;晚安;紳士 沒落;晚安(晚上見面);


1.It was a hot evening in June. 這是六月裡一個炎熱的傍晚。

2.John: Good evening, Bill. 約翰:晚上好,比爾。

3.Good evening madam / sir. 晚上好,小姐/先生。


The darkest evening of the year. - 在這一年中最漆黑的夜晚 。

The director is insisting on a staff meeting this evening at 7pm. - 主管堅持在今晚7點抹刀形職工大會。

The evening newspaper is cheaper than the morning paper. - 晚報比早報要便宜。

If the mood takes me, I'll head down the beach for an evening stroll. - 如果心情不好,傍晚我會到海邊散步。

Then this evening I went jogging with my wife. - 接著今天晚上我和妻子一起去慢跑。

An evening red and a morning grey, is a sign of a fair day. - 晚霞紅如火,曉色青如灰,定是晴朗天。

In the evening one may praise the day. - 入夜方能讚美白晝。

The morning to the mountain the evening to the fountain. - 凡是都有一定時間。

Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers' Club. - 明晚他們將在工人俱樂部演出。

She will be arriving this evening and intends to stay for a few days. - 她將於今天傍晚到達,並準備住上幾天。

The only funny things we heard that evening came from the advertiser at the beginning of the programme. - 那天晚上唯一有趣的事情是節目開始時那個報幕員的開場白。

but what he actually said was: 'This is the Poo and Ee Seed Bird Company.Good ladies, evening and gentlemen! - 「這是『浦伊』鳥食公司,好女士們,晚上和先生們!」

for in the evening she would be going to a fancy-dress part with her husband. - 因為晚上她要同丈夫一起參加一個化裝舞會。

During the rush hour one evening two cars collided and both drivers began to argue. - 一天傍晚交通最擁擠時,一輛汽車撞上前面一輛汽車,兩個司機爭吵起來。

In the evening I do my homework. - 晚上我做作業。

We have our evening meal at about a quarter past six. - 我們6:15分左右吃晚飯。

When Aunt Huang came back, I was so tired. In the evening Liu Ming came to see me. - 當黃阿姨回來的時候,我累極了。晚上劉明來看我。

The next evening the man upstairs came home from work late as usual. - 第二天晚上,樓上人和平時一樣很晚才下班回家。

When shall we meet, this evening or tomorrow morning? - 我們什麼時間會面,今晚還是明天早晨?

Oh, Pierre, how wonderful! But I don't think we can go. I haven't got an evening dress for the ball! And a new dress costs over four hundred francs. - 啊,比爾,太棒了!不過,我想我們去不成。我沒有參加舞會的晚禮服啊!而一件新的晚禮服得花400多法郎。

Pippa. I called to ask you if you'd like to come to a lecture on Thursday evening at the college. - 皮普,我打電話是問你是否想聽週四晚上在學院的一個講座。

But I advise you to check your bag every evening before going home. - 但是,我勸你每晚回家前檢查下自己的包。

He read many books and paused in his work at six every evening for prayers, even when he was with other world leaders. - 他閱讀很多的書,每天傍晚六點鐘,他就要暫時停下工作去做祈禱,甚至與世界上別的領袖在一起時也這樣。

This evening the cave was ours. It belonged to no one else. - 今天晚上,山洞是我們的,它不屬於別人。


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