fire-walking 渡火(赤腳在灼熱的炭灰上行走的一種儀式);
1.The body is transcended and the soul is made pure by mortification of the flesh—including piercings with these needles—in the annual Hindu fire-walking ceremony on Viti Levu Island in Fiji. 在斐濟維提島上一年一度印度教渡火儀式上,人們通過包括用這些針扎的方式苦修使肉地得到超越和淨化靈魂。
2.The body is transcended and the soul is made pure by mortification of the flesh—including piercings with these needles—in the annual Hindu fire-walking ceremony on Viti Levu Island in Fiji. 在斐濟維提島上一年一度的印度教渡火儀式上,人們通過像針刺身體這樣的苦修來達到超越自我,淨化靈魂的目的。
3.The body is transcended and the soul is made pure by mortification of the flesh—including piercings with these needles—in the annual Hindu fire-walking ceremony on Viti Levu Island in Fiji. 身體超越和靈魂已製成純潔經由禁慾修煉--包括穿刺這些針頭--在每年一度的印度人渡火儀式在斐濟的維提島。