misspelt[,mis'spelt]v. 拼寫錯誤(misspell的過去式及過去分詞)
misspelt 拼錯;拼寫錯誤的;cacography misspelt 拼寫錯誤;
1.Despite the popularity of school spelling bee competitions, adults in the US fared poorly in a survey comparing how English speakers on both sides of the Atlantic deal with commonly misspelt words. 儘管學校舉行的拼寫競賽在美國很流行,一項調查指出,美國成年人的拼寫能力與大西洋兩岸使用英語的人們相比,比較差,經常性拼錯單詞。
2.Despite the popularity of school spelling bee competitions, adults in the US fared poorly in a survey comparing how English speakers on both sides of the Atlantic deal with commonly misspelt words. 雖然拼寫比賽在學校裡很受歡迎,但在一項針對大西洋兩岸的英語使用者處理拼寫錯誤的調查中美國成年人的表現差強人意。
3.Despite the popularity of school spelling bee competitions, adults in the US fared poorly in a survey comparing how English speakers on both sides of the Atlantic deal with commonly misspelt words. 儘管拼字比賽很受學生歡迎,但在一次比較大西洋兩岸的講英語的人怎樣處理普遍容易拼錯的詞的調查中,美國的成年人對此很憂慮。