misspells[,mis'spel]vt. 拼錯vi. 拼錯
1.If a DEATH NOTE owner accidentally misspells a name four times , that person will be free from being killed by the DEATH NOTE. 若死亡筆記本持有人在筆記寫錯某人的名字四次,不論是故意還是無意,那人將不能再被那本筆記本殺死。
2.It works like this: A caller dials a number like 1-800-COLLECT to make a collect call but misspells the word or hits an incorrect button. 這種騙術的過程是:打電話者撥了如1-800-COLLECT的號,以便打一個受話方付費的電話,但是卻把這個詞拼錯了或按的某一個鈕不正確。
3.I was suspicious for three reasons: my girlfriend never misspells like that, we had not had a row the previous night, and I was pretty sure she had not suddenly acquired an Australian email address. 我懷疑是有三個原因的:我女朋友從來不像那樣拼寫錯誤,前天晚上我們沒有去划船,並且,我十分確信她不會突然獲得澳大利亞的郵箱。