





solar['səulə]adj. 太陽的;日光的;利用太陽光的;與太陽相關的n. 日光浴室


solar 太陽的,日光的;依太陽而運行的;太陽的;(源自)太陽的;solar panel 太陽能電池板;中國香港;太陽電池板;太陽能板;solar energy 太陽能;大陽能;太陽能;太陽能光伏;solar constant 太陽常數;太陽常數;日輻射常數;太陽常;solar urticaria 日光性蕁麻疹;日光性蕁麻倍受;蕁麻疹;釋義:日光性蕁麻疹;


1.The most common examples are rooftop solar heaters that provide cheap hot water for washing and bathing. 最普遍的例子是屋頂上的太陽加熱器為洗滌和沐浴提供便宜的熱水。

2.The planet of our solar system is mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune and pluto. 我們太陽系的行星是水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星、冥王星。

3.Solar water heaters are devices that use energy from the sun to heat water. Solar water heating is used around the world. 太陽能熱水器是一種利用太陽的能量把水加熱的設備。太陽能熱水器在全世界範圍內使用。


They can build a space craft and send it to the edges of our very solar system. - 他們能製出航空飛船並將其發送到太陽系的邊緣。

In our won solar system, for example, Venus is far too hot and Mars is far too cold to support life. - 舉例來說,在我們的太陽系裡,對於生命來說,金星的溫度太高,而火星的溫度則太低。

Even a telescope in orbit round the earth, like the very successful Hubble telescope, would not be suitable because of the dust particles iron solar system. - 即使是一台放置在圍繞地球的軌道上的望遠鏡——如非常成功的哈勃望遠鏡——也因為太陽系中的塵埃微粒而無法勝任。

A telescope would have to be as far away as the planet Jupiter to look for life in outer space, because the dust becomes thinner the further we travel towards the outer edges of our own solar system. - 望遠鏡要放置在木星那樣遙遠的行星上才有可能在外層空間搜尋生命。因為我們越是接近太陽系的邊緣,塵埃就越稀薄。

The Moon is likely to become the industrial hub of the Solar System, - 月球很可能成為太陽系的工業中心。

It is the one world in the Solar System that is most like the Earth. - 火星是太陽系裡與地球最接近的一顆行星。

Of all the planets in our own solar system, - 在我們太陽系的所有行星中,

Professor Ronald Bracewell, a leading American radio astronomer,argued in Nature that such a superior civilization, on a visit to our own solar system, - 假如有如此高級文明生命訪問了我們的太陽系,


solar spectrum - 太陽光譜

solar corpuscular radiation - 太陽微粒輻射

solar battery; n. solar cell - 太陽電池

solar plexus - 太陽神經叢

solar battery - 太陽能電池

solar radiation; sun rakiation - 太陽輻射

solar elastosis - 日光性彈力組織變性

solar prurigo; sun prurigo - 日光性癢疹

solar eczema; sun eczema - 日光濕疹

solar insanity - 日射性精神病

solar dermatitis - 日曬瘡

solar terms - 節氣

n. amorphous solar cell - 非晶太陽電池

n. amorphous solar cell - 非晶太陽能電池

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