n. sun lounge ,sun parlor ,sun parlour ,sun porch
solarium[səu'lεəriəm]n. 日光浴室;日晷
solarium 日光浴室;宅基地使用費;日光浴;太陽鍾;Solarium tuberosum 馬鈴薯;Sunset Solarium 日落日晷地景;solarium WESTBANK 日光浴室;solarium sundial 日晷;
1.Hillary also fixed up the solarium on the third floor, a bright room that leads out to a balcony and the White House roof. 希拉裡還把三樓的日光浴室整修了一下。那個明亮的房間通向一個陽台和白宮的屋頂。
2.I wanna have a mansion, with a large solarium, full of weird plants, a swimming pool, filled with water at any time, and servants. 我想擁有一幢大房子,有一個很大的陽光房,裡面種滿了奇花異草,要有一個游泳池,水總是滿滿的,還要有僕人…
3."Rings around the eyes caused by the build up of pigment could result from spending too much time in the sun or the solarium, " added Harald Bresser, a dermatologist in Munich. 慕尼黑的皮膚醫學教授貝瑟亦表示:「長期在陽光底下或日光浴室中,也會讓眼睛四周皮膚的色素積聚。」