voyaging['vɔiidʒ]n. 航行;航程;旅行記vi. 航行;航海vt. 飛過;渡過
voyaging 遠航;Voyaging Motorcruisers 遠洋動力艇;
1.It is generally believed Hawaii's first permanent inhabitants sailed in voyaging canoes from the southern hemisphere islands of the Marquesas, between 300 and 800 A. D. 據說,夏威夷的首批居民是在公元300年至800年期間,從南半球的馬克薩斯群島乘船來此。
2.By twisting end cap ten seconds to charge power , easily bring you lights for camping, climbing, traveling, voyaging, exploration. It is requisite for outdoor campaign. 一種全新的手電筒,只需要,拎動10秒鐘,就可帶來持續的光明,是露營、登山、旅遊、航海、探險、科學考察等戶外活動的必選裝備。終身不需要電池。
3.He is detached from the environment he is voyaging in and relates it to the reader in a way that makes reading his words more akin to watching these scenes in front of our own eyes. 他超然於他正在遊歷的環境,並通過一種閱讀其文字就更像親眼見證這些場景的方式把它與讀者聯繫到一起。