VRC VPN Remote client;垂向冗余校驗;垂直冗余校驗;學院;VRC VoiceRecognitionAndSynthesis 語音識別與合成;VRC VisibleRecordComputer 可視記錄計算機;VRC procedure 垂直冗余核對程序;垂直冗餘校對驗過程 垂直多餘核對程序;VRC Variable Rate Coding 可變速率編碼;
1.VRC is a syntax structure consists of a verb and its resultative complement. 「動結式」是指動詞帶表示結果的補語組成的句法結構。
2.This chassis will fit the 1:10 nitro off-road class that will be featured in VRC Pro. 這個底盤將適合1:10硝基越野類,將會在添加專業版。
3.VRC graphics artist Tony West has delivered yet another chassis for VRC Pro: the Associated GT2 Factory Team gas truck. 添加圖形藝術家托尼西部提供了又一底盤添加臨:美聯社廠GT2的天然氣卡車車隊。