Druzhba 友誼牌手錶;德魯日巴;德魯茲巴;德魯赫巴;
1.from Alashankou to leave the country, to Kazakhstan Druzhba 1
2. 3 kilometers to 300 kilometers Actarit Doo cards to the city of Almaty, Kazakhstan, 880 kilometers . 從阿拉山口出境,至哈方德魯日巴12。3公里,至阿克斗卡300公里,至哈薩克斯坦阿拉木圖市880公里。
2.Almaty, Kazakhstan, for the opposite state, the name of the port Druzhba, 1
2. 3 kilometers away from the port side, away from the former capital of Almaty, Kazakhstan 580 km. 對面為哈薩克斯坦阿拉木圖州,口岸名稱德魯日巴,距中方口岸12。3公里,距哈薩克斯坦原首都阿拉木圖580公里。