





situn. 原地


Situ 司徒;那邊;原地;in situ 原位;原地;在原地;在原位置;ex situ 非原位;對位;situ electrophoresis 釋義:原位電泳;situ cultivation 釋義:原位培養(微);


1.When the measuring environment change from in situ to the laboratory, the acoustic characters of the sea bottom sediment will vary. 海底沉積物聲特性的實驗室測量結果,相對原位直接測量,將由於測量環境的改變而發生變化。

2.The paper deals with the new progress in soil infiltration technique of sewage in situ, and some problems needed to be solved are put forward. 本文闡述了生活污水就地土壤滲濾處理技術的新進展,提出了該系統在運行中需要強調的問題。

3.The matter migration model during the damage healing is established and the full process of crack healing is obtained by in situ observation using SEM. 建立了損傷癒合過程中的物質遷移模型,並利用原位觀察方法獲取了裂紋型損傷癒合的完整過程。


lobular carcinoma in situ of breast - 乳腺小葉原位癌

in situ quantitation - 原位定量

hybridization in situ; in situ hybridization - 原位雜交

n. in situ process - 原位置方法

n. in situ nucleation - 原地形核

n. situ leach mining - 原地浸法開礦

in situ treatment of adsorbent - 吸附劑就地處理

carcinoma in situ of larynx - 喉原位癌

carcinoma in situ of vuvla - 外陰原位癌

in situ quantitation - 就地定量

n. in situ nucleation - 就地形垓

carcinoma in situ of endometrium - 子宮內膜原位癌

in situ quantitation - 板上定量

n. in situ stress - 現場應力

n. in situ nucleation - 現場成核

n. in situ retort - 現場扭曲

n. in situ technique - 現場技術

n. in situ nucleation - 現場核化

n. in situ nucleation - 現場核晶過程

n. in situ process - 現場法

n. in situ leach - 現場浸出

n. in situ combustion - 現場燃燒

carcinoma in situ of bladder - 膀胱原位癌

carcinoma in situ of tongue - 舌原位癌

cacinoma in situ of vagina - 陰道原位癌


n.陰道原位癌 - cacinoma in situ of vagina

n.原位癌 - carcinoma in situ

n.膀胱原位癌 - carcinoma in situ of bladder

n.子宮內膜原位癌 - carcinoma in situ of endometrium

n.喉原位癌 - carcinoma in situ of larynx

n.舌原位癌 - carcinoma in situ of tongue

n.外陰原位癌 - carcinoma in situ of vuvla

n.角膜原位癌 - corneal carcinoma in situ

n.原位雜交 - hybridization in situ

n.原位,在原位 - in situ

n.原位雜交 - in situ hybridization

n.板上定量,就地定量 - in situ quantitation

n.吸附劑就地處理 - in situ treatment of adsorbent

n.小葉原位癌 - lobular carcinoma in situ

n.乳腺小葉原位癌 - lobular carcinoma in situ of breast

n.小葉原位 - lobular in situ

n.原位腫瘤 - tumor in situ

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