





tubal['tju:bəl]adj. 管的;輸卵管的n. 輸卵管


tubal 管的;土巴;巴爾;輸卵管的;tubal occlusion 卵管阻塞;tubal infertility 輸卵管性不孕;tubal microsurgery 輸卵管顯微外科手術;tubal reconstruction 輸卵管再造術;釋義:輸卵管再造術;


1.This is a ruptured tubal ectopic pregnancy. 這是輸卵管妊娠破裂的大體標本。

2.Javan, Tubal, and Meshech were your traders; they gave living men and brass vessels for your goods. 雅完人、土巴人、米設人、都與你交易.他們用人口和銅器、兌換你的貨物。

3.Objective To evaluate the method of tubal sterility by hysteroscope tubal cannulation to dredge the tubal obstruction. 目的探討應用宮腔鏡行鏡下輸卵管疏通術治療輸卵管阻塞性不孕症的療效。


puerperal tubal occlusion - 產後輸卵管閉塞

tubal enucleation method - 剖輸卵管系膜法

eustachian tonsil; tonsilla tubara; tubal tonsil; tubaltonsil - 咽鼓管扁桃體

ramu tubarius; tubal btuanch - 咽鼓管支

tubal tonsil; tubaltonsil - 咽鼓管淋巴小結

torus tubarius; tubal prominence - 咽鼓管隆凸

pomeroys operation; tubal sterilization - 波默羅伊氏手術

ruptured tubal pregnancy - 破輸卵管妊娠

a tubal pregnancy - 管妊孕

eustachian tonsil; tubal tonsil; tubaltonsil - 管扁桃體

abdominal excision of tubal fimbria - 經腹直肌切口

tubal dysmenorrhea - 輸卵性痛經

fimbriae of uterine tube; tubal fimbria - 輸卵管傘

excision of tubal fimbria - 輸卵管傘切除術

opertation of burying tubal fimbria - 輸卵管傘端包埋術

adhesion of tubal fimbria - 輸卵管傘粘連

tubal fimbria portion pregnancy - 輸卵管傘部妊娠

tubal ampullar pregnancy - 輸卵管壺腹部妊娠

oviducal pregnancy; tubal pregnancy - 輸卵管妊娠

ruptured tubal pregnancy - 輸卵管妊娠破裂

rupture and hemorrhage of tubal pregnancy - 輸卵管妊娠破裂出血

tubal isthmc portion pregnancy - 輸卵管峽部妊娠

tubal menstruation; tubal mensturation - 輸卵管性月經

tubal dilataation - 輸卵管擴張

tubal branch - 輸卵管支

tubal abortion - 輸卵管流產

tubal trophoblastoma - 輸卵管滋養細胞癌

tubal cauterization - 輸卵管燒灼術

tubal destructive chorioadenoma; tubal invasive mole - 輸卵管破壞性絨毛膜腺瘤

tubal rupture saalpingorrhexis - 輸卵管破裂

extremital tubaria; tubal extremity - 輸卵管端

operation of burying tubal fimbria - 輸卵管端包埋術

tubal steirlization with chemical cauterizarion; tubal steirlization with chemical cauterization - 輸卵管粘堵術

ligation of fallopian tubes; ligation of oviduct; tubal ligation - 輸卵管結紮

tubal colic - 輸卵管絞痛

tubal mole - 輸卵管胎塊

tubal insrfflator; tubal insufflator - 輸卵管通氣器

tubal insufflation rubins test; tubal patent test - 輸卵管通氣法

tubal insufflation kymograph - 輸卵管通氣記波描記器

tubal patent test by liquid instillation - 輸卵管通液術

tubal patent test - 輸卵管通暢試驗

tubal interstital pregnancy - 輸卵管間質部妊娠

rubins test; tubal insufflation test - 魯賓氏試驗


n.管妊孕 - a tubal pregnancy

n.經腹直肌切口 - abdominal excision of tubal fimbria

n.輸卵管傘粘連 - adhesion of tubal fimbria

n.輸卵管傘切除術 - excision of tubal fimbria

n.輸卵管端包埋術 - operation of burying tubal fimbria

n.輸卵管傘端包埋術 - opertation of burying tubal fimbria

n.產後輸卵管閉塞 - puerperal tubal occlusion

n.輸卵管妊娠破裂出血 - rupture and hemorrhage of tubal pregnancy

n.破輸卵管妊娠,輸卵管妊娠破裂 - ruptured tubal pregnancy

輸卵管疏通檢查 - test for tubal patency

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