





r. partially ,partlyn. component ,division ,portion ,regionv. break ,depart ,divide ,separate


r. all ,altogether ,completely ,entirely


part[pɑ:t]n. 部分;角色;零件vt. 分離;分配;分開vi. 斷裂;分手adv. 部分地adj. 部分的


part 部分;零件;聲部數,部分;零件、部件;part drawing 零件圖;詳圖;零件;零件裝配圖;operative part 生效部分;生效部份;執行部分;common part 公用部分;公用地方;公有產業;一般部件;toe part 鞋頭部分;前幫;鞋頭部;鞋頭部份;


1.The stones were parted in pieces by heavy blows. 石頭被猛擊後而成碎塊。

2.And the dear friends have to part? 是不是親愛的朋友就得分離?

3.The name part of Othello is Othello. 《奧賽羅》的劇名角色是奧賽羅。


Which part of the paper do you read first? - 你會先看報紙的哪一部分?

I guess they must have inspected only part of the goods, but not the whole. - 我猜想,他們檢查的只是部分貨物,而不是全部。

Yes, I took part in. - 有,我參加了。

We had this part of the conversation - 我們正談到這兒

I work part time in the summer to pay for my tuition. - 我夏天做兼職來支付學費。

It's my favorite part of the meal. - 這是全餐中我最愛吃的部份。

You got that part right. - 你們這一部份猜對了。

Oh, leaving home is part of growing up. - 呵 ,離開家是成熟過程的一部分。

That's only part of it. - 這只是一部分原因。

You make me feel so proud to be part of our family. - 你讓我以成為我們家庭的一員而自豪。

and I'll be proud to be part of it. - 那時我會以成為家的一份子而自豪。

so that each one would be a part of it. - 好讓每個人都成為它的一部分。

and becoming part of the Stewart family, too. - 而且成為Stewart家庭的一份子。

Well, it's all part of the same job. - 嗯 它們都是同一項工作的一部份。

This the rich part of town. - 這裡是小鎮的富人區。

I studied fashion design in university but they can't teach you the natural talent which is such an important part of it. - 我曾經在大學裡學過時裝設計,但在這方面有天賦的老師卻無法教授,而天賦對時裝設計又是極其重要的。

He got the part simply'cos of his loud voice. - 他獲得了一次演出的機會僅僅是因為他的聲音洪亮。

Many students are working at part time jobs. - 許多學生兼職打工。

Learning to express oneself well in an important part of education. - 學會把意思表達清楚是受教育的一個重要方面。

I work part time at the gasstation. - 我在加油站做兼職工作。

She's looking for a part time job. - 她在尋找兼職工作。

How do you feel about the last part of the letter? - 你對最後一部分有什麼看法呢?

Learning to express onself well is an important part of education. - 學會把意思表達清楚是受教育的一個重要方面。

We hope that you will earnestly take part in this meeting. - 我們希望你們認真地參與本次會議。

Seriously, thank you all for coming and taking part in our camp. - 說真的,謝謝你們來加入我們的野營。

He sketched his own part in the affair. - 他概述了自己在此事中的作用。

I think you must be proud of being a part of such a great company. - 我認為你們應該為能成為這家公司的一員而感到驕傲。

What part of the world do you come from? - 你從世界的哪部分來的?

This part of the country is very mountainous. - 國家的這部分有很多的山。

I've been part of this project since its beginning. - 從一開始我就參與這個計劃。

To answer the first part of your question, I'd like to say that our studies were very extensive. - 你問題的第一部分,我要說的就是我們的研究非常廣泛。

We'd like to clear up some points connected with the technical part of the contract. - 我們希望搞清楚有關合同中技術方面的幾個問題。

We have every reason to cancel the contract because you've failed to fulfil your part of it. - 我們完全有理由取消合同,因為你們沒有完成應遵守的合同內容,履行合同。

I imagine it was part of a dinosaur. - 我猜那是恐龍的一部分骨骼。

This part of the country is very flat. - 這個國家這一部分很平坦。

This part of the country is very heavily populated. - 這個國家這一部分人口很密集。

This part of the country is very hilly. - 這個國家這一部分有很多丘陵。

This part of the country is very mountainous. - 這個國家這一部分有很多山。

Discretion is the better part of valour. - 小心即大勇。

He who shareth honey with the bear hath the least part of it. - 與熊分蜜糖,得不到多少。

Nothing but death can part the couple. - 除了死之外,什麼也拆不散這一對。

I'm looking for a part time job. - 我正在找兼職工作。

Computers are becoming a part of our everyday life. - 電子計算機正漸漸成為我們日常生活的一部分。

They played a shameful part in the whole affair. - 他們在這一事件中扮演了可恥的角色。

The Beatles represented part of the spirit of their age. - 甲殼蟲樂隊代表了他們時代的部分精神。

He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic. - 他將參加一次重大的橫渡大西洋的比賽。

Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon. - 詹妮弗很快又要參加一個新劇的演出。

for in the evening she would be going to a fancy-dress part with her husband. - 因為晚上她要同丈夫一起參加一個化裝舞會。

Justice is part of the complex machinery of the law. - 正義是複雜的法律機器組成部分。

This idyllic pastoral scene is only part of the picture. - 但這種田園詩般的鄉村風光僅僅是一個側面。


disease in the lower part affecting the upper; disease ing the lower part affecting the upper - 下損及上

n. boundary part of stainless steel overlay melding area - 不銹合金剛

deep-sited part of the chong channel - 伏沖

superior part of duodenum - 十二指腸上部

horizontal part of duodenum - 十二指腸水平部

postbulbar part of duodenum - 十二指腸球後部

descending part of duedenum - 十二指腸降部

n. attachment part plating - 原子百分率

laryngeal part of pharynx; parslaryngea pharyngs - 咽喉部

cartilaginous part of auditory tube - 咽鼓管軟骨部

bony part of audtory tube; pars ossea tubae auditivae - 咽鼓管骨部

pars parvicellularis nuclei rubri; parvicllular part of red nucleus - 小細胞部

lower abdomen; outer part of the lower abdomen - 少腹

n. loose part of rock - 岩石鬆散部分

flaccid part of tympanic membrane; shrapnells membrane - 希拉普內爾氏膜

anterosuperior part of the human body - 廣明

part of ecg wave - 心電圖U波

part of ecg wave - 心電圖u波

lateral part of occipital - 枕骨側部

pars cavernosa urethrea virlis; pars spongiosa urethrae masulinae; spongiose part of male urethra - 海綿體部

wash the affected part with hot herbal decoction - 用中藥燙洗

membranae; pars tensa; tense part of tympanic membrane - 緊張部

cruciform part of digital tendon sheaths - 纖維鞘交叉部

annular part of digital tendon sheaths - 纖維鞘環狀部

endocrine part of pancreas; pars endocrina pancreatis - 胰內分泌部

exocrine part of pancreas; pars exocrina pancreatis - 胰腺外分泌部

mediastinal part of pleura; pars mediastinalis pleurae - 胸膜縱隔部

diaphragmatic part of pleura - 胸膜隔部

front part of chest - 胸膺

lumbar part of diaphragm; parslumbalis diaphragmatis - 腰部膈

red middle part of the tongue - 舌中紅

iridial part of retina; pars iridica retinae - 虹膜部

pars sphenoidalis arteriae cerebri mediae; sphenoidal part middle cerebral artery - 蝶骨部

ciliary part of retina - 視網膜睫狀體部

iridial part of retina - 視網膜虹膜部

optic part of retina - 視網膜視部

pelvic part of ureter - 輸尿管盆部

abdominal part of ureter; pars abdominalis ureter - 輸尿管腹部

portio vaginalis cervicis; vaginal part of cervix - 陰道部

cervical part of esophagus; pars cervicalis esophagi - 頸段

benign stricture of cervical part of esophagus - 頸段食管良性狹窄

injury of cervical part of esophagus - 頸食管傷

physiologic narrow part of esophagus - 食管生理縮窄部


腹部 - abdominal part

n.輸尿管腹部 - abdominal part of ureter

n.患部 - affected part

n.翼部 - alar part

下頜骨齒槽部 - alveolar part of mandible

泡狀軟部肉瘤,蜂窩性軟部肉瘤 - alveolar soft part sarcoma

n.纖維鞘環狀部 - annular part of digital tendon sheaths

n.前部 - anterior part

n.廣明 - anterosuperior part of the human body

n.升部 - ascending part

n.基底部 - basal part

枕骨基底部 - basal part of occipital bone

肺動脈基底部 - basal part of pulmonary artery

n.基底外側部 - basolateral part

n.頸段食管良性狹窄 - benign stricture of cervical part of esophagus

n.遠血 - bleeding from distant part

n.遠血 - bleeding from istant part

n.出血部位 - bleeding part

n.咽鼓管骨部 - bony part of audtory tube

咽頰部 - buccopharyngeal part

石狀體尾部癌 - cancer of posterior surface of petrous part

癌部 - cancer part

癌部 - cancerous part

胃賁門部 - cardiac part of stomach

n.咽鼓管軟骨部 - cartilaginous part of auditory tube

腐蝕部 - cauterization part

大角咽部,咽中縮肌大角咽部 - ceratopharyngeal part

n.大腦部 - cerebral part

n.頸部 - cervical part

n.頸段 - cervical part of esophagus

頭頸部腫瘍 - cervical part tumor

要部 - chief part

小角咽頭部 - chondropharyngeal part

n.蝸部 - cochlear part

瘢痕部分 - cicatrix part

n.視網膜睫狀體部 - ciliary part of retina

n.循環粒細胞部份 - circulative granulocyte part

腸骨採取部 - collected part of iliac bone

n.密部 - compact part

n.構成部分 - component part

腎皮質小葉曲部 - convoluted part of kidney lobule

n.鞏膜角膜部 - corneoscleral part

n.皮質內側部 - corticomedial part

橫膈肋部 - costal part of diaphragm

輪狀環咽部 - cricopharyngeal part

n.纖維鞘交叉部 - cruciform part of digital tendon sheaths

纖維鞘十字部 - cruciform part of the fibrous sheath

n.頂部 - cupular part

皮膚缺損部 - cutis coloboma part

n.深部 - deep part


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