XMSabbr. 擴展內存規範(extended Memory Specification )
XMS 擴充內存規範;擴充內存規格;擴展內存;擴展內存規範;XMS eXtended Memory Standard 擴展的存儲器標準;XMS Extended Memory Specification 擴充內存規範;擴展存儲器規範;XMS memory locked 擴充內存鎖定;XMS Xerox Memory Systems 施樂公司存儲系統;
1.XMS-only system, XMGR can also load entirely in low memory. 對於一個小的只有XMS的系統,XMGR也可以加載直接加載整個的低端內存。
2.High-speed accessing vast data is realized by a XMS class in C++ language, which has the OO(Object Oriented) characteristics. 本文提供了一個用C++語言實現的XMS類,該類充分利用面向對象的概念,實現了高速轉存大量數據的功能。
3.After analyzing the distribution and management of the memory of PC, the methods of using XMS are summarized, and a technique of high-speed accessing vast data is introduced. 本文在分析PC機內存的分佈和管理機制的基礎上,總結了使用擴充內存(XMS)的方法,並提出用XMS解決高速轉存大量數據的方法。