





Sound[saund]vt. 聽(診);測量,測…深;使發聲;試探;宣告n. 聲音,語音;噪音;海峽;吵鬧;聽力範圍;探條adj. 健全的,健康的;合理的;可靠的;有效徹底的adv. 徹底地,充分地vi. 聽起來;發出聲音;迴響;測深


Sound 聲音設置:使用該選項可啟用或禁用音頻控制器;聲音;聲音對像;結實的,堅固的;sound effects 音響效果;音效;聲音效果;聲效;new Sound 新建聲音對像;新建聲音物件;新建的聲音物件;流行音樂;Packing Sound 包裝完好;包裝良好;sound detector 檢聲器,測音器;檢聲器;測音器;聲音探測器;


1.Is that the artillery sound or the beat of my heart . ? 是炮聲還是我的心跳聲英語原文是怎麼說的?

2.For all composers do not use that sound stuff in the same way. 因為不是所有的作曲家都以同樣的方法使用聲音材料。

3.George Lucas: I have found sound to be a very important part of the movie process. 喬治·盧卡斯:我發現聲音是電影製作過程中一個非常重要的部分。


No, you sound different today. - 沒有,今天你的聲音聽起來不一樣。

Does two o'clock sound alright? - 兩點鐘好嗎?

Hey, I wanted you to hear my new sound system - 嘿,我正想讓你聽聽我的新音響。

You sound excited about Columbia. - 聽起來你對Columbia大學躍躍欲試。

You sound like something's bothering you, Susan. - 聽起來好像你有什麼心事, Susan?

It won't sound like a big deal, - 這事聽起來沒啥嚴重,

It does sound tempting. - 聽起來很誘人。

I don't want to sound like a busybody, but didn't you plan to go abroad? - 我並不想瞎打聽,可你原來不是打算出國嗎?

You don't sound very enthusiastic. - 你似乎不太熱衷。

This may sound like a dumb question, but I'd like to know. - 這也許是個愚蠢的問題,但我想知道。

No matter what comes up, don't sound nervous. - 不論發生什麼事情,你也不要顯得緊張。

A cracked bell can never sound well (is never sound). - 破鍾無好音。

A sound mind in a sound body. - 健康的思想寓於健康的身體。

Sound in body, sound in mind. - 有健全的身體才有健全的精神。

Not a sound was heard. - 一點聲音也沒有。

Though the sound could be heard clearly, it took me a long time to react. - 雖然聲音聽得很清楚,但我過了好一會兒才作出反應。

Suddenly, there was a slight trembling sound from below, and the captain went down to see what had happened. - 突然,從船艙下部傳來一聲微顫音,船長走下船艙去查看究竟。

In this part of the cave, they could hear an insistent booming sound which they found was caused by a small waterspout shooting down into a pool from the roof of the cave. - 在這兒,他們可以聽見一種連續不斷的轟鳴聲。後來他們發現這是由山洞頂部的一個小孔裡噴出的水柱跌落到水潭中發出的聲音。

the only sound that could be heard was made by water which dripped continuously from the high dome above them. - 唯一的可以聽見的聲響是高高的圓頂上不間斷地滴水的嘀嗒聲。

The most frightening thing of all was that not a sound could be heard. - 最令人害怕的是到處沒有一點聲音。

for their house, which had sound foundations, would have stood stoutly even if it had been almost submerged. - 因為他們的房子地基牢固,即使洪水幾乎滅頂也不會倒塌。

A sound made by tapping on the hull of a ship will be reflected from the sea bottom, - 敲打船體所發了的聲音會從海底傳回來,

On turning eagerly to the text, one learns that the lady was a typist who found the sound of office typewriters worried her more and more until eventually she had to go into a mental hospital. - 當人們急切地看完正文後,便知道這位女子是個打字員,辦公室打字機的聲音使她越來越煩惱,最終住進了精神病醫院。

Then the sound of rumbling thunder reached the watchers on the shore, as cargo, ballast, - 岸上的觀眾聽到船上發出了雷鳴般的轟響。當物品、壓艙物、

This may sound fantastic, but it is easily calculated. - 這點聽起來令人難以置信,但卻很容易計算出來。

I was waiting for the sound of the other shoe! - 我一直在等待另一隻鞋落地的響聲!

The children were running to move the bag of rice when they heard the sound of a motorbike. - 孩子們跑去搬那包大米,這時他們聽到摩托車的聲音。

That doesn't sound like modern printing. - 這聽起來不像是現代印刷術呀。

Because the equipment for adding sound to films had not yet been developed. - 因為給電影配音的設備還沒有研製出來。

The development of films with sound became a problem for Chaplin. - 有聲電影的研製對卓別林來說就成了問題。

I'll tell you something that does sound strange. - 我還可以告訴你一件聽起來確實奇怪的事情。

He could also hear night insects and the sound of waves on the shore. - 他還能聽到夜晚裡昆蟲的叫聲和波浪拍擊岸邊的聲音。


sound conduction function - 傳音功能

optical sound recorder; photographic sound recorder - 光學錄音機

Disease with drum sound are due to heat - 凡病敲如鼓聲

n. sound absorbing alloy - 吸聲合金

n. sound absorption paint - 吸音塗料

Disease with drum sound are due to heat - 均屬於熱

sound analyzer - 聲分析器

sound pressure - 聲壓

n. reflection coefficient of sound pressure - 聲壓反射係數

n. echo transmittance of sound pressure - 聲壓回波傳遞係數

n. reflection coefficient of sound pressure - 聲壓的反射係數

n. echo transmittance of sound pressure - 聲壓的回波傳遞係數

sound pressure leval; sound pressure level - 聲壓級

n. sound absorption paint - 聲吸收漆

sonograph; sound spectrogtraph - 聲圖儀

sound pattern - 聲圖案

n. sound field - 聲場

sound field tone field - 聲域

sound like sawing wood - 聲如拽鋸

sound intensity - 聲強

n. reflection coefficient of sound energy intensity - 聲強度反射係數

sound intensity level - 聲強級

sound intensity meter - 聲強計

acoustic shadow; sound shadow - 聲影

sound beam - 聲束

sound bridge - 聲橋

sonic wave; sound wave - 聲波

sound sources - 聲源

sound emanate direction - 聲源方位

localization of sound source - 聲源空間定位

sound level - 聲級

sound energy - 聲能

n. reflection coefficient of sound energy intensity - 聲能強度反射係數

sound perception - 聲覺

sound spectrograplh; tonspectrograph - 聲譜儀

sound spectrogram; tonspectrogram - 聲譜圖

n. sound axis - 聲軸線

sound analyzer - 聲輻射器

sound velocity - 聲速

sound meter - 聲量計

n. sound isolating layer - 聲隔離層

sound recording - 錄音

sound camera - 錄音攝影機

recorder; sound recorder - 錄音機

ultra sound tomogram of heart - 心臟超聲斷層圖

heart sound amplifier; phonocardiograph amplifier - 心音放大器

sound perception function - 感音功能

sound perceiving apparatus - 感音裝置

acoustic probe; aural probe; sound probe - 探聲管

concentrate the spirit to keep a sound mind - 獨立神守


n.金破不鳴 - a broken gong does not sound

n.異常呼吸音 - abnormal breathing sound

n.吸聲 - absorption of sound

n.第二心音亢進 - accentuation of second heart sound

n.附加音 - adventitious sound

音響變換,叩診音改變 - alteration in percussion sound

齒齦音 - alveolar sound

主動脈噴射音 - aortic ejection sound

n.動脈搏動聲 - arterial pulsation sound

n.喘息性呼吸音 - asthmatic breath sound

心房音 - atrial sound

第四心音,心房音 - auricular sound

n.匣音 - bandbox sound

n.比-布二氏摩擦音 - beattybright friction sound

唇音 - bilabial sound

n.吹音 - blowing sound

n.空甕音 - bottle sound

n.腸鳴音 - bowel sound

呼吸音 - breath sound

支氣管音,支氣管呼吸音 - bronchial sound

n.水泡音 - bubbling sound

n.大炮音 - cannon sound

心音 - cardiac sound

n.喀喇音 - clicking sound

n.錢幣音 - coin sound

復合音 - complex sound

混合音,復合音 - compound sound

n.獨立神守 - concentrate the spirit to keep a sound mind

n.破壺音 - cracked-pot sound

n.彎尿道探條 - curved urethral sound

n.舒張期心音 - diastolic heatr sound

n.探子尿道擴張術 - dilatation of urethra by passage of sound

n.凡病敲如鼓聲,均屬於熱 - Disease with drum sound are due to heat

n.收縮早期噴射音 - early systolic ejection sound

n.噴射音 - ejection sound

n.相對音感 - elative sound sensation

n.爆炸聲 - explosive sound

過剩音,過剩心音 - extra sound

n.胎心音 - fetal heart sound

n.胎兒心音圖 - fetal heart sound chart

n.第一心音 - first heart sound

n.拍擊音 - flapping sound

n.第四心音 - fourth heart sound

n.摩擦音 - friction sound

磨擦的音 - frictional sound

奔馬音 - gallop sound

n.膽石探子 - gallstone sound

n.有溝尿道探條 - grooved urethra sound

心音 - heart sound

n.心音放大器 - heart sound amplifier

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