soundingsn. 試探;水深點(sounding的複數)
soundings 水深點;in soundings 在有測量水深的地區;frequency soundings 測深密度;minus soundings 負值深度;off soundings 非錘測區;
1.Based on the prior soundings and knowledge, reasoning from analogy is an exploratory means of great importance and efficiency. 類比推理是物理科研的一種重要試探手段,以已有的研究成果為立足點,是建立在已知基礎上的一種有效的探索方法。
2.Determine how alarm soundings are documented-in batch records, in separate logs or automatic electronic recording, for instance. 確定報警信息怎樣文件化,例如,用批記錄,用獨立的日誌,或者自動的電子記錄。
3.And talk to businesses , talk to tax payers, and take soundings on the economy to see whether things are walking the way we see them walk in the aggregate micro-economic numbers. 聽取業主及納稅人們的意見,再考量周邊的經濟情況後便可看出總體經濟數據的走向是否和我們實際看到的情形一致。
that a series of deep soundings was obtained in the Atlantic and the first samples were collected by dredging the bottom. - 才在大西洋測得一個個海水深度,同時通過挖掘海底,取得了研究海底的首批樣品。
Today, enough soundings are available to enable a relief map of the Atlantic to be drawn - 現在已有足夠的水深測量數據來繪製一張大西洋洋底地形圖,