unsifted 未過篩的;未篩濾過;unsifted flour 未篩[榖]粉;Show Unsifted 顯示未篩選的資料;
1.Theophilus Thistle, the thistle—sifter, sifted a sieve of unsifted thistles. 西奧菲勒斯薊,薊篩者,篩一個沒有篩過的薊的篩子。
2.If Theophilus Thistles, where is the sieve of unsifted thistles Theophilus Thistle, the thistle—sifter, sifted? 如果西奧菲勒斯薊,沒有篩過的薊西奧菲勒斯薊的篩子在哪裡,薊篩者,篩嗎?
3.Theophilus Thistle the thistle—siftersifted a sieve of unsifted thistles. If Theophilus Thistles where is the sieve of unsifted thistles Theophilus Thistle the thistle—siftersifted. 最後,再向讀者推薦一則被美國許多繞口令興趣者認為是最難的,最拗口的繞口令。