custards['kʌstəd]n. 奶油凍;奶油蛋羹
custards 乳蛋糕;Italian Coffee Custards 意式咖啡布甸【香濃迷人的甜品;Scallops and Crispy Milk Custards 脆奶伴帶子;
1.a diet of foods that can be served in liquid or strained form (plus custards or puddings); prescribed after certain kinds of surgery. 流體或形狀可變的食物(加上奶油凍和布丁);某種外科手術後的處方。
2.However, for children, or steamed custards, egg soup best, because these two approaches can release proteins, easily digested and absorbed by children. 不過,對兒童來說,還是蒸蛋羹、蛋花湯最適合,因為這兩種做法能使蛋白質鬆解,極易被兒童消化吸收。
3.These creamy baked custards, delicately flavored with vanilla and accompanied by a fresh cherry compote, are easy to make and sure to be popular with all ages. 這些烤奶油軟凍有細膩的香草風味,配上新鮮的櫻桃蜜餞,製作簡單、並且保證各個年齡的人都喜歡!