EFAabbr. 必需脂肪酸(essential fatty acid);探索性因素分析(Exploratory Factor Analysis)
EFA 探索性因素分析;English French Association;essential fatty acid;Education for All;efa - 人體必須脂肪酸;EFA Electricity Forward Agreement 電能遠期合同;EFA'S 必需脂肪酸;重要脂肪酸;EFA--MakingitWork 普及教育:使理想成為現實;
1.By utilizing exploratory factor analysis (EFA), the result indicated a five-factor solution for both positive and negative motivations. 經由探索性因素分析的解析之後,結果顯示正面與負面的動機將有五個構面存在。
2.Ecological footprint analysis(EFA), as a new method was proposed in 90's to describe the sustainable development of countries, areas and cities. 生態足跡分析方法是90年代提出的可以定量的反映一個國家、地區、城市的可持續發展程度分析的計算模型。
3.Methods Based on the 7 domains of exploratory factor analysis (EFA), a close-ended questionnaire was used and 162 cases of questionnaires were collected. 方法在研究提出的護士工作績效評估7個因子基礎上,編製封閉式問卷,收集162個樣本,進行驗證性因子分析,得到擬合指標,即量表的有效性指標。